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Dingus leave win 19 9 2,978 1,345 412 623
Dingus leave win 19 5 1,490 280 147 406
5:35 am FirstBlood defeated you and left you in shame. Delete
5:30 am FirstBlood attacked you and lost.

Forgetting you bite off more than you win lil boy?

Man you are dumber than a box a rocks Wink


Attack records

Defender Fights Wins Losses Stalemates Avg Hits Avg Damage Avg Resist

Dingus 182 165 17 0 9 1,958 325

Fights 182!
Wins 165!
Loses 17!

Yada yada yada

A) you had help
B) never once won in healthy
C) You ran

There is no WAY you can win, or claim to be a man Wink


You honorably defeat Dingus in combat. You walk away and let your defeated opponent sulk in their own misery.

Experience Earned : 598 (Due to the difficulty of this combat, you have received extra experience!)
Hospitalization Time : 20

Thanx for the EXP! Wink
(2009.Nov.18 06:31 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Dude

A) you had help
B) never once won in healthy
C) You ran

There is no WAY you can win, or claim to be a man Wink

Attack Type Leave Them
Attack Result Win
Total Combat Rounds 31
Experience Points Earned 598.0
Hospital Minutes for Loser 20
Attack Time Nov 18 2009 - 6:31:13 am
Defender's Last Action Prior to Attack Nov 18 2009 - 6:30:22 am

Combatants FirstBlood Dingus
Level During Fight 44 38
Starting Health 2015 Healthy
Hits 10 10
Best Hit 931 310
Gang Points 0 0
Total Damage Received 2,267 2,689
Total Damage Resisted 825 713
Total Damage Taken 1,442 1,976
Damage Received Per Hit 226.70 268.90
Damage Resisted Per Hit 82.50 71.30
Actual Damage Taken Per Hit 144.20 197.60

Ok then??
Hi Biff Beef!


(2009.Nov.18 06:34 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Biff Beef!

Thanx for the flattery, but you seem to be losing the argument. Maybe you should use anothe zerk!


(2009.Nov.18 06:38 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Coward!

Just to make you feel better i'll let you zerk me a few times eh?

When you can beat me in a leave, on a regular basis, then I will respect you.
biff is my idol.
(2009.Nov.18 06:40 AM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]When you can beat me in a leave, on a regular basis, then I will respect you.

you must really respect me a lot then!
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