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Smart move biting off before I hosp you Wink

1:32 pm FirstBlood attacked you and lost. Delete
1:17 pm FirstBlood attacked you and lost. Delete
1:09 pm FirstBlood defeated you and left you in shame. Delete
12:58 pm FirstBlood defeated you and left you in shame. Delete
12:57 pm FirstBlood attacked you and lost. Delete
12:53 pm FirstBlood defeated you and left you in shame. Delete
12:52 pm FirstBlood attacked you and lost. Delete
12:51 pm FirstBlood attacked you and lost. Delete
12:41 pm FirstBlood attacked you and lost.


You hosp me? You mean zerk! Had to check I could'nt hosp ya, I guess you got backup too. Still this will only result in 1 winner. Me

You called me out. Nice job

Attack Type Berserk Rage
Attack Result Win
Total Combat Rounds 13
Experience Points Earned 0.0
Hospital Minutes for Loser 228
Attack Time Nov 17 2009 - 1:38:23 pm
Defender's Last Action Prior to Attack Nov 17 2009 - 1:35:09 pm

Combatants FirstBlood Dingus
Level During Fight 44 38
Starting Health 2206 Healthy
Hits 7 5
Best Hit 732 307
Gang Points 0 0
Total Damage Received 1,213 2,512
Total Damage Resisted 463 558
Total Damage Taken 750 1,954
Damage Received Per Hit 242.60 358.86
Damage Resisted Per Hit 92.60 79.71
Actual Damage Taken Per Hit 150.00 279.14
This is fun.
Why you hiding in level 40 dist then?


(2009.Nov.17 01:42 PM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Why you hiding in level 40 dist then?

You called me out, I am finnishing it. Between me and you boy. The game is about tactics too, so only 1 winner ME.
Dude you are a tool. Run and hide little boy Wink
Counting the number of wins. It would seem that Dingus is the winner. And biffi loses, again.


(2009.Nov.17 01:45 PM)superdude Wrote: [ -> ]Counting the number of wins. It would seem that Dingus is the winner. And biffi loses, again.

Dingus berserk win 13 7 2,512 750 463 732
Dingus overpowered loss 26 8 1,907 2,328 949 434
Dingus overpowered loss 30 8 2,396 2,453 955 947
Dingus leave win 25 8 2,764 1,319 613 540
Dingus leave win 9 4 2,304 848 244 897
Dingus overpowered loss 40 9 2,734 2,273 1,027 606
Dingus leave win 27 8 2,148 1,005 490 348
Dingus overpowered loss 20 4 738 2,537 651 295
Dingus overpowered loss 28 10 2,404 2,271 920 405
Dingus overpowered loss 22 9 1,804 2,301 222 355
Dingus hospitalize win 17 5 1,457 784 510 426
Dingus leave win 27 10 2,510 965 578 309

6-6 so far. That will change over the next few weeks. Only one's ive lost are hosp attacks.
Why would he hide if he were the man his wife knows he isn't!
(2009.Nov.17 01:47 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Nov.17 01:45 PM)superdude Wrote: [ -> ]Counting the number of wins. It would seem that Dingus is the winner. And biffi loses, again.

Dingus berserk win 13 7 2,512 750 463 732
Dingus overpowered loss 26 8 1,907 2,328 949 434
Dingus overpowered loss 30 8 2,396 2,453 955 947
Dingus leave win 25 8 2,764 1,319 613 540
Dingus leave win 9 4 2,304 848 244 897
Dingus overpowered loss 40 9 2,734 2,273 1,027 606
Dingus leave win 27 8 2,148 1,005 490 348
Dingus overpowered loss 20 4 738 2,537 651 295
Dingus overpowered loss 28 10 2,404 2,271 920 405
Dingus overpowered loss 22 9 1,804 2,301 222 355
Dingus hospitalize win 17 5 1,457 784 510 426
Dingus leave win 27 10 2,510 965 578 309

7-6 dingus so far. That will change over the next few weeks. Only one's ive lost are hosp attacks.

But still you lost and went to run and hide. lol *raises Dingus's sweaty girly arm*

biffi tried to edit. lol
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