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I'm standing here at the fight in awe. Cant believe he ran away and hid, no honor I see. Thats right

:::remembers suicide thread::::


And thats me 7-6

Attack Type Berserk Rage
Attack Result Win
Total Combat Rounds 27
Experience Points Earned 0.0
Hospital Minutes for Loser 170
Attack Time Nov 17 2009 - 1:53:02 pm
Defender's Last Action Prior to Attack Nov 17 2009 - 1:52:53 pm

Hiding then zerking me while I'm away makes you a coward, not a champ Wink

Face to face pussy, lets go Wink


Ive already faced you and proved that leaves on you are a piece of cake. Proving I am the superior player. Now why would I stand in downtown for you to zerk me? Did ally stand there and take it or did he float like a butterfly, thus avoiding any attacks? Ally was the greatest.

Not only that but the amount of attacks on you ive already done will soon count against me when the code kicks in, so I can take my time and play around with you.

Face it, your out matched and out manouvered. Game over!
Then why you still hiding?

::::cause you are a PANSY!::::::


Face it, your out matched and out manouvered. Game over!
Run and hide coward
(2009.Nov.17 02:02 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]Ive already faced you and proved that leaves on you are a piece of cake. Proving I am the superior player. Now why would I stand in downtown for you to zerk me? Did ally stand there and take it or did he float like a butterfly, thus avoiding any attacks? Ally was the greatest.

Not only that but the amount of attacks on you ive already done will soon count against me when the code kicks in, so I can take my time and play around with you.

Face it, your out matched and out manouvered. Game over!

Who's Ally?
(2009.Nov.17 02:02 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]Ally was the greatest.

Really? I've never heard of him. Maybe you meant Muhammad Ali?
Ally was a fighter who ran away when losing, not to be confused with mohamed, he stayed till the fight was through
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