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Hosps on you fail, leaves are a piece of cake.
Bwhahahaha point
12:57 pm
New! Dingus hospitalized you in a maniacal frenzy.
You be getting owned you fool Wink
12:57 pm FirstBlood attacked you and lost. Delete
12:53 pm FirstBlood defeated you and left you in shame. Delete
12:52 pm FirstBlood attacked you and lost. Delete
12:51 pm FirstBlood attacked you and lost. Delete
12:41 pm FirstBlood attacked you and lost. Delete
12:34 pm FirstBlood hospitalized you. Delete
12:30 pm Weebay hospitalized you. Delete


Dingus leave win 9 4 2,304 848 244 897
come on dingus out ya pop. Waiting. Stop time wasting.
(2009.Nov.17 01:02 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]Dingus leave win 9 4 2,304 848 244 897
come on dingus out ya pop. Waiting. Stop time wasting.


What a tool!


Dingus leave win 25 8 2,764 1,319 613 540
Rambo, left, , hiding inlevel 40 district!



Sure, lost again with a hosp, have to stick to leaves luckily for you! Not wasting zerks on ya, ill save that for you.

Dingus overpowered loss 30 8 2,396 2,453 955 947
1:17 pm FirstBlood attacked you and lost.

whats your excuse now moron?


(2009.Nov.17 01:20 PM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]1:17 pm FirstBlood attacked you and lost.

whats your excuse now moron?

Post beore you can read?

Hosps are out, leaves will be good, not wasting a zerk on ya, ill let you do that Wink
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