And with very limited help if any from any older gangs.
Y'all upstarts could learn a thing or two.
Hmmm...Lets see I started the Killer Bees, and the reason was simply because, no one ever asked me to be in there gang until i created one. I think that about covers it.
But in Honestly most gangs like the Killer Bees last about year from what i can tell, then the big gangs with most of the money suck everyone up.
I'm SOOOO pwoud of you who clicked on start so special
I actually helped build up your hideout Dingus when of was dark horizons 499...
(2009.Jul.01 06:51 PM)Marlo Wrote: [ -> ]I actually helped build up your hideout Dingus when of was dark horizons 499...
What were you before DISS Marlo? If you don't mind me asking.
(2009.Jul.01 06:54 PM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Preciate that 
I had a hand in
wow, you clicked "apply" to gang, pretty amazing too.
(2009.Jul.01 07:03 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]wow, you clicked "apply" to gang, pretty amazing too.
We should have a poke the penguin in game.
With a penguin meter. See how high it goes.
(2009.Jul.01 07:03 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.01 06:54 PM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Preciate that 
I had a hand in
wow, you clicked "apply" to gang, pretty amazing too.
I wish it were that simple