(2009.Jun.05 11:01 PM)Gornikel Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, I'm pretty fracked myself Beer
l0l fried minds think alike!!
pass it back but dont bogart it!
Hold on, bong asking for help
wow...that's is french-english:?:
and Preach...the
-B- is back...only a player have the right for this tag....fuck you
(2009.Jun.05 11:48 PM)Batman Wrote: [ -> ]...only a player have the right for this tag....frag you
Where is that rule? Care to show it to me?
I did not see it in the game rules. Or the civil code. Or the constitution. Anyone can decide to post and put -B- at the end.
I would like to hear more on the history of -B-. Not -b- as in the curious, spandex tight wearing, boy wonder we all know as batman. But more about -B-, and the history of it.
It seems to me that a good grasp of the english language is needed
the shadows was thought up and built around samurai and ninja theme, mostly to be a neutral gang bound by its own code of conduct and rules of engagement in wars, most of the first shadows or either retired or in other gangs now, but are always welcomed back,the saying once a shadow always a shadow is taken literally
is this what you was wanting?
LoL I think he tried some of that jacked up meth he has been pawning off so he is not sure what he wants.......