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(2009.Jun.06 07:35 AM)shadowinc Wrote: [ -> ]is this what you was wanting?

Yeah, thanks SG.
Here are some of the things I'd like to know, if some people want to share a little

- Who created (insert gang name here), and how did the idea come up?
Thats a great idea

It took a hosp war with the xpats and mailing with blackjeep for hours while we where in the hosp to find out the meaning of space wranglers and some background. LOL I guess I never thought to even ask.
(2009.Jun.06 12:01 PM)superdude Wrote: [ -> ]the meaning of space wranglers

Enlighten me
Well I should have said how the name was chosen. Widespread Panic is a band, similar to Phish I guess, and have a album called Space Wrangler and was taken from that. Some of our gang members have names, named after songs. Conrad is for Conrad the caterpillar. Something along them lines. lol
(2009.Jun.06 12:30 PM)superdude Wrote: [ -> ]Well I should have said how the name was chosen. Widespread Panic is a band, similar to Phish I guess, and have a album called Space Wrangler and was taken from that. Some of our gang members have names, named after songs. Conrad is for Conrad the caterpillar. Something along them lines. lol

This is all wrong. Space Wranglers actually means "Don't F with us!!"
(2009.Jun.06 01:42 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Jun.06 12:30 PM)superdude Wrote: [ -> ]Well I should have said how the name was chosen. Widespread Panic is a band, similar to Phish I guess, and have a album called Space Wrangler and was taken from that. Some of our gang members have names, named after songs. Conrad is for Conrad the caterpillar. Something along them lines. lol

This is all wrong. Space Wranglers actually means "Don't F with us!!"

As a former member of The Space Wranglers, I like Joshiwa's interpretation better.

Yep, I really was a member of that gang! Long time ago.
Eh I just threw that out. It would be cool to hear from people about how and why the gangs where created. Put it on the wiki.
(2009.Jun.05 10:22 PM)freeksta3798 Wrote: [ -> ]i think he wants to read some old stories of past and present gangs. when they was on top and when they hit rock bottom and fell apart.

kind of like your average citizen getting strung out lol

im pretty taosted myself now so i could be giving the wrong interpretation of his literation.

but who cares im free!!!! Winky

Takes a drunk to interpret a drunk LMAO!
(2009.Jun.07 09:33 AM)g2o2d4wp Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Jun.06 01:42 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Jun.06 12:30 PM)superdude Wrote: [ -> ]Well I should have said how the name was chosen. Widespread Panic is a band, similar to Phish I guess, and have a album called Space Wrangler and was taken from that. Some of our gang members have names, named after songs. Conrad is for Conrad the caterpillar. Something along them lines. lol

This is all wrong. Space Wranglers actually means "Don't F with us!!"

As a former member of The Space Wranglers, I like Joshiwa's interpretation better.

Yep, I really was a member of that gang! Long time ago.

Thats why I HATE g2
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