EmperorRetu Wrote:i have given up on trying to win contests in this game. since i never have enough time to even come close to wining one, due to the fact that i have to many other things to do in RL.
i wish the Admins would come up with a contest that gave everyone an equal chance of wining, even if they could only log on 1 time a day for a short time. like mabey a lottery that gave specail gifts.
But good luck to all of you that have the time to do this contest!
I cant believe you wrote this...
I'm bloody tired of comps where u ONLY need 1 stupid pumpkin/turkey to win its about time we get a comp where if u work your butt off you have a better chance of winning.
Well that was fun...Until the morrow all. Sleep tight and happy holidays.
Heh. You have a better chance at winning IF you can work your butt off. I bet some people decided to have absolutely no lives today to play this contest, which is all fine and dandy by me. Kinda sad, but whatever floats your boat.
Anyway, the Turkey contest wasn't all that fun..My favorite? The drinking contests. XD There was something people actually had a chance in.
I dont think I missed a refresh intil my computer crashed,that was almost 18 hours into the contest,I was crushed as I watched the minutes tick by.That is a tough one to stomach,but I had alot of fun with this one.
Howlsong Wrote:EmperorRetu Wrote:i have given up on trying to win contests in this game. since i never have enough time to even come close to wining one, due to the fact that i have to many other things to do in RL.
i wish the Admins would come up with a contest that gave everyone an equal chance of wining, even if they could only log on 1 time a day for a short time. like mabey a lottery that gave specail gifts.
But good luck to all of you that have the time to do this contest!
I cant believe you wrote this...
I'm bloody tired of comps where u ONLY need 1 stupid pumpkin/turkey to win its about time we get a comp where if u work your butt off you have a better chance of winning.
And even if you didn't win this contest, at least you had some stat gains to show for it. So it's not like anyone came out of it empty handed.
who trained dexterity?

i agree with hostile 100% every body was a winner in that one. except for the losers like me who blinked and didnt open their eyes for nine hours lol
freeksta3798 Wrote:shadowinc Wrote:so instead of whinning try to have fun and enjoy the game 
you call that whinning you must not be married lmao!!!!!!! 
oh yes and 3 kids at home ,with 3 away from home
I can't believe somebody has posted there needs to be MORE compos for people that log in once to win. Err, why? A competition is something (In my oppinion) which you should work your ass off to win. A competition and raffle are 2 different things. Some competitions on here are a little to raffley but they're still well fun. The activity compos really get tense though In my oppinion, if you compete the whole 24 hours you'll be sitting at your computer thinking whether you'll regret that train you missed.... then you start dropping off. NO! "Must not Sleep", and suddenlly the competitions over and you've lost because you ended up sleeping. The possobilities are endless. Rafle, you have a little blast for say an hour or less.... and have a possobility of winning.

More Actiivty Competitions on demand.

More darn elves on demand!!!
well put....no more comps determined by chance, imo, effort and activity are should be the determining factors for a winner....thanks for the trainer, just wish the little elf helper hadnt been sleeping for the first couple of hours....i dont think ive slept so little in a 24 hour period since my daughter was a newborn