i think i'll spend the day with the fam
strt182 Wrote:be nice to see the zone elf trainer pop up
Agreed. I dont know if I'll be able to participate though, gotta work tomarrow. O well.
If I don't win this down to churh I'ma be so screwed off.
My church is on the mountain snowboarding and I'll be at mass all day long. No presents for me from the AL elves. Santa brought me 2 feet of pow in the last 5 days though, so I'm not complaining.
Is anyone else having an issue with the elf'zone trainer? I am unable to use it.
I wish anyone that is participating in the contest lots of luck but Ill be busy with the family.
I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday!
Elf zone is not working. It doesn't affect the compo however. Mailing Zen will be a waste of time as I'm sure she's already had a good hundred about it. Bless her cotton stockings lol.
[quote="badmanbren"]Mailing Zen will be a waste of time as I'm sure she's already had a good hundred about it. quote]
I'm glad I'm not the only one. I thought I broke something.
Merry Xmas to all!
...You cannot train using a personal trainer at this time. Remember, trainers only accept cash! Please return to the gym....
my bad guys i stuffed a dumbell down the elf's throat for not takin my cash...i though he needed more iron in his diet. sorry