I just got worked by that downtime..Everyone else?
filthymick Wrote:Rafallol Wrote:so have anyone choosed to train str ?
i'm doing str, but judging by your lvl and overall supremacy over me, i'm hoping you use energy refreshes :roll:
merry christmas Zen thanx for the contest
i didnt say that Im trying str did i?
and since its percentages of whole energy evryone have the same chances
You thought going to the gym by yourself at night was a weird. It's fucking crazy in here as we speak. There must be 20 elf's doing squat thrusts right now... Weird Sight.
I seen alot of people going hard since the get go,I thought I would have a edge but i see some of you guys sleep as little as me!Keep it up ladies and gentlemen.
Sleep :? Whats that?? :shock:
Howlsong Wrote:Sleep :? Whats that?? :shock:
I said the same thing. My son decided that him and I should just stay up all night, although I cheated and set my alarm every so often to train lol.
once i seen the notice,I set my alram for midnight and took a nap been training ever since :shock:
i wish i thought of that. i was goin strong till 8am but passed out waitin for my enrgy to fill

theghost83 Wrote:once i seen the notice,I set my alram for midnight and took a nap been training ever since :shock:
i didnt even go to sleep and ive been playing since yesterday and going 2 continue playing until the deadline but i go on every 30 to 40mins so it can refresh
Use the Elf Zone trainer and no happiness refresh is required!