2007.Jan.03, 07:34 PM
2007.Jan.03, 08:30 PM
sounds like a good idea to me. you know, I really dont mind being declared on. I dont mind losing a war. its all the bull that the elders have been spewing forth that gets to me. declaring over and over on a significantly weaker gang. lying about why they are so mad at us for some reason (we have NOT been attacking their players online and we have NOT been attacking them offline any more than any other exp targets of similar level). completely ignoring our requests for a friendly competition in a few weeks. It seems that every time someone seems like they might give them a run for their money they go psycho because they cant stand not being number one in the game any more. when cass was making his way up in the world they complained about his attacks because they knew if they made him dislike the game enough he would quit and they would still be at the top. recently the santas have started to at least catch up to them and we get declared on weekly for absolutely no reason other than it helps them stay at the top. it is unfortunate because they have already driven a few active players away from the game through these and other actions and personally I would like more people playing not less. apparently the elders have decided that staying at the top is more important than that. well, its not like I'm angry about being in the hospital as its bound to happpen from time to time. just pisses me off that I have to spend days in the hospital because the elders can't take us up on a friendly competition and just declare on us now while we are significantly weaker instead. (whew, all that was one breath, lol)
2007.Jan.03, 08:51 PM
2007.Jan.03, 09:10 PM
oddjob Wrote:haha
calmer than you are
*to the community*
we elders are evil and malicious. All i do is lie and spread propaganda. I love ignoring people. the bad santas are the true, upstanding, class-act gang, so i would mail them and tell them how awesome they are. they work hard to be so awesome. beware tho, for you probably cannot compete with that awesomeness, and you might be overwhelmed by it.
feel free to mail me and tell me how much i suck. i already know. i probably will ignore you too.
is that better?
TripsT I have no idea who is sending u mails telling u r this or that. but make sure u take note. at no time here or in any mail I have sent you or any of the Elders have I said anything deragatory. I have poked fun at you and made fun of the attacks on my gang an myself. but it honestly appears that some of you should get off you mighty high horses and return to idea that this is a game.
You guys want to play it your way hey fine by me. if that means i spend 23 out fo 24 hours a day in the hospital hay great my hats of to you for the time and the effort but please and i ask this with all sincerity dont come preaching to me about how the game needs to be played or your rendition of it. This is a getaway from real life.
I had absolutly no intentions of getting seriouse I wanted to have fun seeing as at this point im limited to what i can do in the game itself this for me is a way to vent off.
so you can take it as you want as a joke as a jibe or as an insult.honestly I dont care what you think. all i know is im enjoying myself and will continue to do so until i find something better .
2007.Jan.03, 09:20 PM
sorry, i wasnt trying to get serious either.... i just get defensive sometimes.
frankly, i find this whole thing funnier than heck... i cant remember the last time i laughed reading the forums
the game was gettin stale, now its so full of Emotion!
i think im starting to love war
frankly, i find this whole thing funnier than heck... i cant remember the last time i laughed reading the forums
the game was gettin stale, now its so full of Emotion!
i think im starting to love war
2007.Jan.04, 04:15 PM
Hey Just to know is it the Elders intention to disband us?
me Id just like to know that way I can plan my days accordingly.
Im used to your weekly decleration of war against us. Its kind of become a routine for me to see it .
hope you have time to clarify this. dont want you to miss me mking a break from the hospital. thell you what I pormise to be good and stay in until an Elder answers or 20 miniutes elapses
me Id just like to know that way I can plan my days accordingly.
Im used to your weekly decleration of war against us. Its kind of become a routine for me to see it .
hope you have time to clarify this. dont want you to miss me mking a break from the hospital. thell you what I pormise to be good and stay in until an Elder answers or 20 miniutes elapses

2007.Jan.04, 05:13 PM
OOh well time is up..
I guess you cant be bothered to answer a simple question.
lol its easy YEs we will try to disband you
No we just wanna play by our rules.
see not so difficult .

I guess you cant be bothered to answer a simple question.
lol its easy YEs we will try to disband you
No we just wanna play by our rules.
see not so difficult .
2007.Jan.04, 07:16 PM
You Know its funny.
I have played many other online games ive been on the winning side and loosing,
But never have I seen something like this.
Elders go for it show the rest of Awakened Land players that if they do not abide by your rules. if they do not follow along like good little meek sheep that they too will be disband.
As i have said I have played a lot of other games and I have been in clans that have dominated to the extreme but at no time have I seen this type of malice.
because in all honesty thats what it is.
What we attacked an Elder or 2. we rushed to gain levels . the funny part is even when we atatcked other gangs for respect or as an aide we had a limit to what we would do.
Let this be a lesson to the Awakened land players and specially you gang leaders dont allow your players to rush levels dont allow them to attack and Elder even off line or you too will receive there wrath.
its real simple do what you want and make sure you keep all the others under your heels, keep the people supressed so that you may continue your reign of power.
This is not a bitching fest . It just shows your true nature. you want to take it to this exptreme hey have at it, but eventually 1 of 2 things will happen.
Someone may eventually be able to pass you.
or people will just get bored and go elsewere.
hats of to you for adding a twist to the game thats really not needed.
One Last [thing Ispeak for myself and I will requst from my gang leader that all wars declared other than the Elders will be removed.
We have no intentions of bringing down the rest of awakened lands and making it a desolate play ground.
I have played many other online games ive been on the winning side and loosing,
But never have I seen something like this.
Elders go for it show the rest of Awakened Land players that if they do not abide by your rules. if they do not follow along like good little meek sheep that they too will be disband.
As i have said I have played a lot of other games and I have been in clans that have dominated to the extreme but at no time have I seen this type of malice.
because in all honesty thats what it is.
What we attacked an Elder or 2. we rushed to gain levels . the funny part is even when we atatcked other gangs for respect or as an aide we had a limit to what we would do.
Let this be a lesson to the Awakened land players and specially you gang leaders dont allow your players to rush levels dont allow them to attack and Elder even off line or you too will receive there wrath.
its real simple do what you want and make sure you keep all the others under your heels, keep the people supressed so that you may continue your reign of power.
This is not a bitching fest . It just shows your true nature. you want to take it to this exptreme hey have at it, but eventually 1 of 2 things will happen.
Someone may eventually be able to pass you.
or people will just get bored and go elsewere.
hats of to you for adding a twist to the game thats really not needed.
One Last [thing Ispeak for myself and I will requst from my gang leader that all wars declared other than the Elders will be removed.
We have no intentions of bringing down the rest of awakened lands and making it a desolate play ground.
Chris Mangano
2007.Jan.04, 07:25 PM
What happened to the comedy?
Jack Daniels
2007.Jan.04, 07:28 PM
Chris Mangano Wrote:What happened to the comedy?
What do you mean bud? I thought that was his funniest post yet!