If anyone asks for help or advice in this game then i will give it, i am sure that is the same for everyone else in the Elders. We have all played this game for a long time and i for one have never been rude or tried to spoil the game for others. This is a gang game and gangs do war, they also make pacts and help there friends out. What would be the point of a gang game without the fighting.
If people want to bring real life into it then if a strong gang sees a rival coming up and getting strong what would they do? I dont think they would sit there and allow members of that gang to attack thier members.
Thank god this is not real life an only a game.
people say that all the time Berry, but it doesnt seem to get in.
Once upon a time Casanova had that power Elders have now. And I dont know if you were one of them, but when he stepped out line and felt he could dictate the game, the people whined so much he quit playing.
I heard the complaints. "he just bought his way up, didnt work for it at all" "he just spent credits to train" "he bought the biggest house" "all he did was to attack people" "he attacked WAY too much"
So it wasnt just a game then. Why should it be now?
(on a sidenote, Casanova has helped fund the game to be what it is today.
thank you casanova)
(another sidenote - youre totally right Berry, what would the game be without gang war? but there is such a thing as overstepping the boundaries. You can make war to all gangs, all the time. Why havent you? Cause when the people its fun to fight against tire of the constant abuse they leave. Although its just a game, they wont stick around when its no fun.
Gang war doesnt have to be ill meant, it can also be a competition if both gangs agree to war at a certain date, for a certain amount of respect.)
I totally agree, you are missing the point.
Attacking is part of the game, so's wars. But we have NEVER taken it to the lengths you are now, by trying to disband us. When we rebuilt our respect, we declared on multiple gangs, took around 20 respect from each, nothing painful for them. Worked fine.
Everyone plays differently- and declaring on us now and then, taking some respect, testing us to see if we're a match for you- I have no problem whatsoever. When we're in hospital for 90% of the day, with you guys hellbent on disbanding us, that's when it becomes ridiculous.
Ask anyone that knows me, I play games completely seperate to real life. I've met up with people I've argued with in game non stop, had a few beers, chatted about life, work, normal things, and got on great with them. This is just a fun escape for me.
Tell me though, how much 'fun' is it, when you're just permanently in hospital, the gang you've worked your nuts off to build up is in danger of being destroyed, and the people doing it refuse to even speak to you? All of a sudden, it's not fun anymore.
So now what do I do? Continue playing a game that I'm no longer enjoying, or quit and delete all the work that I, and others, have put in?
That's the point you're missing here.
it's simple. there is a rule about this. war, ok, part of the game. attacking, even online sometimes, part of the game. making people spend days in the hospital week after bloody week just cause you arent completely satisfied with your gamelplay, thats harassment.
# Do not harass other players. If you think something might be considered harassment, don't do it.
I dont care who you are, you dont deserve to be able to do this over and over. and Zen, it doesn't matter if this is just them getting bored. they chose to become a collection of the strongest people in AWL, they have to live with what that entails. and being shot down for doing something like this should be something that it entails. they are hospitalizing us and then advancing while we spend hours in the hospital. all this is is them widening the gap between us because they saw it was getting too small.
I'll be honest, that in itself doesn't worry me so much. What bothers me is the fact they're planning to disband us.
A limit on wars and time outs necessary between wars would make sense to me. Make it time and/or respect driven, so that situations like this can't become the norm.
You can say what you like about us 'whining' or 'taking it too seriously' but at the end of the day Elders, you're going way overboard with no reason given. Other than 'it's only a game'.
If it's 'only a game' then start acting like it rather than being typical playground bullies scared of losing their status. Fight us on even terms when we're able.
And whatever you do, quit the ridiculous excuses of 'you do it too' because we NEVER have done apart from when prompted by you- and as I said, we took as little as possible from gangs. Never even close to disbanding them.
i have been attacked by Matt around 16 to 20 times a day for around 3 weeks before i got to lvl 22 and you call what we are doing harrasement - what a laugh.
I am getting pretty sick of all your moaning, i know people have to attack to gain exp but i was being attacked when i was away for around 10 min, i asked him to wait until i was away longer as i keep coming and going through the day, the responce i got was i' if i wait someone else may attack you and i get more exp from you for some reason'
I stopped asking after that and when i got to lvl 22 i went to Midlan and sit there and train, i dont get attacked as much and am not loosing 200 exp a day from the attacke by Matt the so called rule follower. If he calls this war harrasement what is attacking people 20 times a day?????
are you joking? I get attacked like that too but live with it- it's short sentences, and I rarely get hit online anyway.
We're talking about 4 hour hospitalisation sentences here, not 30/40 minute ones. We're talking about our gang being disbanded. Not a few attacks every day.
If you can find one point where I've refuted that attacking's part of the game, then forgive me. Wars even. But your gang has a clear view of disbanding us, and as far as retaliating against you- we're helpless. Our strongest player can't touch your top two, and everyone below that can't touch your top 5. In other words, this is a massacre, not a war- and THAT'S the harrassment part.
Like you said, you're sat in midlan now, and are barely attacked. So what's the problem for you now? You can train happily in peace without being touched.
brythompson Wrote:so what there may be only one gang left at the end of this
so what people are upset
Well I think this pretty much sums up the true nature of the Elders.
if you add up the 30 to 40 min attacks then 20 would be 600 min which is 10hrs a day, is that ok?. I have put up with it and get on with the game the moaning and crying is getting silly,
For the last time - THIS IS A GANG GAME - quit crying
No one is disputing that this is a game. or even the fact that people get attacked.
Immortal is a prime example he is attacked constantly and has yet to utter a word. but the attacks are when he is offline. On the few times that I have accidently attacked someone and they have come on line Ive tried sending sim packs.
This is a game but still must have some type of Etiquette so that all the players not just the top ones enjoy it.
if you attack hey go for it I have no porblems you want to put me in the hospital hell I dont have a problem with that. I even send taunts to Sarge and the rest of the Elders that attack me.
My 1 issue is the fact that you are trying to disband the gang.Thats were I see the fault in this.
One thing is to attack and take some respect hey we all do that. but to maliciously and intentionally go after someone to ruin there effort hell man thats just wrong no matter how you want to phrase it.
You can try to justify that this is a game but in the end the only thing you are doing is killing off a bunch of people who have put in the time and effort to build something up.
In the end you and the rest of the Elders can sit up in your ivory tower and look down on the rest of the players. wield out your punishents and demands.
but the more you do this the less people are going to want to play a game that gives them no chance to become and equal.
This is not about bitching or crying dont try to twist this around this is about the fact that everyone wants to have at least a half arse chance of making it to the top.
ME im pretty much done with this. See Im not one of the meek sheep thats gonna sit back and let the Elders tell me how I should play the game. The only rules I follow are those of the originator of the game.
Other than that the Elders can pretty much go an play with themselves cause eventually if they keep this up they will be about the only people left playing.
To the rest of the Awakened Land players be forewarned and foretold.
The same will happen to you. Once youve reached a point the Elders feel threatened they will disband you and send you back to the start.
How many will be willing to do it again? how many will say why even try if this is what is to be expected.
Ive said my peace Im really not interested anymore in debating with anyone on this issue.