whats wrong thats all you have to say?
dont hide let the players know the true Elders .
You still havent answered my 1st question.. Oh wait the veil of slence returns.. man what a joke,
by the way dont worry the other thread will still have a running commentary of your exploits jolts and tribulations .
I don't think the Elders are trying to keep anyone down. I think they are just downright bored because they unwittingly got all the high-leveled players to join one gang. I honestly think this was a boon for most players, because it slowed down the growth of the Elders. For a couple months they couldn't even attack anyone to gain XP until people started catching them.
Matt, you just lucked out by being one of the players who has worked the hardest to advance. You are one tough mutha. Once the Elders saw they could hit you and get decent XP, they went for it.
I admit, it's annoying to be declared on over and over again. Everyone in the game preys on players they know they can beat (players who initiate combat lose only 3% of the time). Everyone who has learned the game mechanics attacks the players who earn them the most XP.
Everyone wants to be the best at this game. The competition I think is what makes this game what it is.
I also agree that there probably needs to be some form of hired hitman NPC to always give someone a chance to beat another player up. That's my next project once I go over the logs from 9-days of being on vacation.
Not true in this case Zen, sorry. They're not attacking for XP, they're hospitalising whilst at war- their intention here is to disband us, and we have no way of fighting back directly against them. That much is hopeless.
Unfortunately, NT is right... this has showed the true colours of the Elders, and it's quite sad... because I respected a lot of them hugely. Seems that command of respect only stays while they're leagues ahead, as soon as they're in danger of losing that throne, they go all out to destroy you.
Well, like I said. Do your best, but I tell you what- to save ourselves from being disbanded we WILL disband every gang in the game. And we won't feel guilty about it- it's on your heads. We hope you enjoy playing AWL as the only gang with 3000+ respect.
This is bull, i enjoy the game and i know every other member of the Elders enjoys the game. None of us are trying to spoil anything for anyone.
How many gangs have you lot made war with over the last 3 month? How many people have your members upset? What is this game all about, is it a moaning and bitching game or is it a game of criminals and war. I really find the posts on this thread a bit stupid i hope you read them back and realise what you have written is total rubbish.
EVERY gang i have declared on, ive mailed and told the reason why, and often how they could get us to stop. And i havent seen Elders done this ONCE, seriously it isnt much thats needed. Elders take this one step further, they even refuse to answer their mail. (well i got reply once, that it was either 200 respect or 200 000 gold, and we choose 200 respect, i even unarmed myself and got into downtown to make it go quicker)
Declaring war on another gang impacts people outside the game also, if you ever stop to think about it. When Elders were babies, and Casanova attacked you nonstop, i bet that spoiled youre mood in the real life also. Because you felt powerless, and now you do the same thing, man i thought you learned. You trademarked yourselves as the police of AWL, making sure no one stepped out of line. Even hired yourself out to people, so that they could get that and that guy hit alot. So when we announced our gang for hire, the first thing you did was to go to war with us, just for giggles.
Ill admit, my behavior isnt the best of them all. And i want to have more fun also. But i dont redeclare war on Dukes and Bad Kids every week cause of it. Ive declared when i wanted to build up respect after YOU taken it.
Often we declare war because its the gang getting attacked without a chance that hires us to defend them.
Sometimes we want to get the respect back up, since Elders rapes our gang because they are bored, and we are closest to them in power.
Once our gang has been disbanded, along with every other gang in AWL exept Elders, the same thing will happen again. Elders will humble the highest powered gang WEEK after WEEK. Its not because the highest powered gang can fight back and maybe make some fun. Its plainly because they grant the best xp.
If we could actually turn the tables and take respect from Elders, this war would never have come. In 1month-2month, we will actually be able to return some of the fire, and that might be more fun for us all instead of just bashing helpless gangs.
ive tried to put forward rules of engagement that would ease up this DOOM on all of us mood. But so far none has listened.
my idea was like this.
When a gang declares war on another gang, the max respect taken out is 40.
A gang war cant last longer then 22-24 hours otherwise cops will break up and give very harsh hospital sentences
A gang cannot redeclare war on the same gang until 2 weeks have gone, so that the gang getting attacked has a chance at getting up.
No gang gets into war with another gang without hope of winning, so often its just bashing of a gang. And that should be limited.
Druchii Wrote:When a gang declares war on another gang, the max respect taken out is 40.
A gang war cant last longer then 22-24 hours otherwise cops will break up and give very harsh hospital sentences
I like those 2 ideas, makes a lot of sense to me and it follow the logic of the reality. Maybe have huge jail time instead of hospital or both.
I'd put only 1 week max for redeclaring though.
oh my god--- i think you really need to take a step back and look at what you are saying, this is a game and if it is haveing such an effect on you that it is spilling in to real life then i think you need to go out and get something else to do.
I play this game for one reason, to have fun, if it ever got to the point that i was writing posts like that then i would really turn my computer off and leave it alone until i got the real priorities in my life sorted out.
This is a game and that is what everyone is doing - playing.
So what we attacked you
So what you have attacked everyone else
so what there may be only one gang left at the end of this
so what people are upset
There are people dying everyday of hunger, the world is warming up, my cat died yesterday, i have a sore head from too much wine last night, these are the things i worry about not an internet game that was made for peoples enjoyment.
Get over it and just play the game
Its a game deal with it, every other gang does in gang wars. We come to a solution and move on. If everyone had the members the Elders do they would be doing the same damn thing.
you know, before you take on terrorism in the next post, rape, pillaging, murders, diseases illnesses. we all have those outside distractions.
People take a choice when entering gangs. They choose the gang which they think they might have the funniest time in. That puts pressure on the gang leader who got them in there to make sure they enjoy the game/gang. And thats why im on the edge, cause i want the people i got playing to continue enjoying the game and having fun. And ive recruited my fair share of people.
People play games to avoid the RL, not to have the same dung thrown at them inside the RL escape.
"So what we attacked you
So what you have attacked everyone else"
you dont catch my point at ALL. You attack us every other week, and we are defenceless against you. So we are at youre mercy. To avoid getting disbanded we have to maim and butcher all other gangs. Making it harder for other gang leaders to keep their members happy.
Everything is easier to cope with Berry when its not your butt getting dragged through the mud. Yeah okay, atm you are getting slammed cause youre the second weakest member in Elders. But you know that youre gang is secure, and worst case scenario for you is that you get 2-3days of from game.
Worst case scenario for the rest of the gang leaders is that they will have to spend week-months to build up gang again and to get the same gang size. We invest time in the game, and i get emotional, when i see that on the way to be destroyed cause someone just "wants to have fun", "doesnt worry about the game" or "just playing the game". Then it tickles my nerves.
hawk187 Wrote:Its a game deal with it, every other gang does in gang wars. We come to a solution and move on. If everyone had the members the Elders do they would be doing the same darn thing.
no hawk, most likely i would stop playing for a while and let people either catch up or pass me, so that i would have a challenge again. and i do my best to help newbies get up, so that people will grow faster and challenge me later.
Im afraid i donate all my earnings to the gang, so i cant help out the way Chris did earlier with housing. So kudos for that Chris.
but i respond to nearly all my mails, and i try to give out the best possible advices i can give to people.
Even if they are in an enemy gang. Being an enemy gang doesnt mean we have to treat people like dirt. There can be common courtesy and "Friendly" competitions/gang wars.