On Monday May 25th, those in the US have a holiday we call Memorial Day. Other countries may have a similar holiday, so if there are please enlighten me (sheltered American here).
While Memorial Day is to commemorate those military personnel who have fallen in military service, in AL it is a special event day since many Americans have this day off work. However, I would like to have a few suggestions from the community on how it will be observed (if it will be observed at all).
So please post some suggestions on what sort of event we should have. I will repost a poll with some of the suggestions we receive for a vote.
don't want to sound ghey, but lets have a picnic with a hotdog eating contest like where that little asian dude scarfs down like 40 hotdogs in like 3 minutes
I like that idea..... like make it a 24 hour thing where it costs energy to eat a hot dog (equal to your amount of attacks per refresh) and the most hot dogs eaten wins.
And of course we will need a Refresh and Non-Refresh category.
Wonder what would happen if you had a "reversal"

In Canada, our holiday is the 3rd Monday of May, it is called "Victoria Day", in honor our Queen Victoria, who ruled the Commonwealth many years ago. So we have a long weekend this weekend.
Re-enactment. Totally have a shootout between even amounts of big dudes and little dudes on each side of the spectrum, a special button for the combat, and this puts everyone down/up to a certain level to where it'll be even for everyone.
Last person standing(And last group standing) wins prizes.
1.AGymboree Day
2.A contest without going in the jail or hospital
3.A contest like 499 er's Tournament...
4.A contest with gangs
since everybody gets the day off, how about an AwakenedLands Fair?
there could be different games that are basically the same old raffle ticket contests we have ha.... IE: elf tossing
random prizes could be awarded, from small stim packs to maybe one or two decent weapons/armor (for the day)
i dunno just a drunk idea

Seeing as I won't be able to participate in the event....
And seeing as I'm currently in the military and have served over seas.....
I want to be selfish and request that anyone that Zen knows 100% without a doubt that is in or has been a Vet get a special prize! Mine is easy to verifiy as she's seen my military e-mail

She can even choose what we get. I just think it would be cool to get something.
To that, I would like to take this time to thank my fellow Vets in AL and I would also like to thank any of you that support us. I honestly feel that it's my duty and my privalge to serve the american people

Lol, hard to say cos you're serving your Country but I think having a prize because you've worked or still do work for military is not relevant. It's outside of the game, if prizes are handed to forces though I'll strongly consider joining for next years prize!
I'd like to see more of an Elders competition type, last gang standing. The gang page has a green button next to every gang that has yet to loose a war in that day, click it and a link appears "Event War". Last gang (or however many should be rewarded) are given a prize.
I know people without gangs will moan about them not being able to participate so I'd advise you save a bit of money to buy a gang lol, just incase this idea goes ahead.