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Full Version: Appropriate Memorial Day Event
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(2009.May.17 02:04 PM)shadowinc Wrote: [ -> ]what about the fireworks like the 4th of july contest

Randomness, I don't want it! lol. I'll be free that day, all day. Activity is the way forward!
(2009.May.17 03:33 PM)JaySin Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.May.17 03:30 PM)timmyb Wrote: [ -> ]Endurance training.

endurance training that give the same result as res training.


it should be a contest that a level 1 could even win so something fair for everybody.Twisted
maybe like a... i know weird but, like you have to eat as much beans as you can and see how long you can fart and who ever get's the longest fart wins
i REALLY wish it wouldnt be random or fair to ppl who arent on for more than 5min... mind it prolly will be because god forbid we do something for the more active ppl.


(2009.May.17 03:34 PM)badmanbren Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.May.17 02:04 PM)shadowinc Wrote: [ -> ]what about the fireworks like the 4th of july contest

Randomness, I don't want it! lol. I'll be free that day, all day. Activity is the way forward!

but randomness is what the game is all about


i go with shadowinc
(2009.May.17 04:58 PM)Howlsong Wrote: [ -> ]i REALLY wish it wouldnt be random or fair to ppl who arent on for more than 5min... mind it prolly will be because god forbid we do something for the more active ppl.

If you are more active, then guess what? You have more chances to win lol. Though hypothetically someone could get really lucky and win, most likely someone who is really active will win if they participate.
not really... wish it did work that way tho


there's always some guy who rarely plays that comes online only during an activity contest day and somehow this less then active player ends up with some awesome prize only to go inactive for the rest of forever


(2009.May.17 04:58 PM)Howlsong Wrote: [ -> ]i REALLY wish it wouldnt be random or fair to ppl who arent on for more than 5min... mind it prolly will be because god forbid we do something for the more active ppl.

I agree 100%.

IMO having a contest before or after a holiday is silly, it should be done on the day, regardless of the circumstances. It should also take activity to win, I mean really there has got to be a way to make it that way, such as how many hot dogs can you eat the entire AL 24 hours that the contest goes on.

*shrugs* Dont hate the more active people for wanting an ACTIVITY contest rather than some random contest where you might by some miracle achieve better results than someone who has been here all day doing the same thing.
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