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Full Version: Find any eggs?
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screen shot or GTFO
You've found 8 eggs.
[Image: customer-service.jpg]


how the hell do u add a picture to a comment Scream

It says i have to use a url! wtf

i want to upload a screenshot! grrr
(2009.Apr.12 07:17 PM)buuddha Wrote: [ -> ]screen shot or GTFO

lol i got 9

[Image: untitled.jpg]
(2009.Apr.12 07:44 PM)dean1886 Wrote: [ -> ]how the hell do u add a picture to a comment Scream

It says i have to use a url! wtf

i want to upload a screenshot! grrr

upload it to pohotobucket or a site like that then copy the IMG stuff and put it in your post.


[Image: ?action=view&current=Awakenedlands.jpg]

Still not working :S

[Image: Awakenedlands.jpg]

there Cool
11 nice!!
Man, you should hide your email
so hard to guess based on his username, huh?


(2009.Apr.12 08:14 PM)Accipender Wrote: [ -> ]so hard to guess based on his username, huh?

I got 4 eggs and crimed like a madwoman all day. Hey, it's enough to bake a 2-tier cake!
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