Scorpious Wrote:You know what they say, Guilty by association.
i don't agree with this. you can't be expected to quit your gang cause somebody else went a little far with their name.
chumstain Wrote:Scorpious Wrote:You know what they say, Guilty by association.
i don't agree with this. you can't be expected to quit your gang cause somebody else went a little far with their name.
i agree... with this blue guy

chumstain Wrote:Scorpious Wrote:You know what they say, Guilty by association.
i don't agree with this. you can't be expected to quit your gang cause somebody else went a little far with their name.
"Somebody" or many "somebodies"?
well, you've obviously made up your mind that all 499ers are "bad guys" and we cause all the problems around here. however, i think you should pay a little more attention to who exactly is doing something that is pissing you off or hurting your feelings and not who their group of friends are. In a group as large as ours (or as large as it has been) there are obviously people that are guilty of going too far (in some peoples' minds) and others that have not done anything to anybody. i'm not saying that i am completely innocent myself, i just think it is unfair to judge 20 ( or 16) people on the actions of a few that got carried away with the game. lots of us have done it. i'm not gonna leave my friends' gang because of it. its just a game. it can all be sorted out and fixed.
Nice effort, and if it was genuine, then really nice effort. But I've been on the other boards, I've read what some in your gang has to say...and in an effort to keep this nice, I'm stopping with that...
It is genuine. I'll promise you that. I'm not sticking up for everything we've said in times of war, cause people have definitely gone too far at times. You just can't judge us as a whole because of specific incidents. You gotta find the guy that went too far and hold them to it. Mail them in game and talk it out if needed. Get them to fix the situation. Most of the time people do things online when half drunk (i'm guilty) then don't realize how much of an idiot they were until people are jumping down their throat and hosping them. We gotta communicate around here if there are problems and not let things escalate like they do.
And I really appreciate you keeping things civil!
"Most of the time people do things online when half drunk (i'm guilty) then don't realize how much of an idiot they were until people are jumping down their throat and hosping them."
Hey! I thought we weren't calling specific people out - I resemble that statement!
And apologies again for every time I've been there, done that. I always attempt to make amends via in game emails. Incredible how effective talking things out and "manning up" to apologize when necessary are.
Regarding the recent war - I will also confirm it was genuine, and enjoyed by most all in our gang. Sure it probably looked nasty from the outside - and it was at times - but this IS a game about war and fighting others.
Different people chose to play this game in different ways. If our guys ever "get out of line" and do something you or your people that you think is wrong, just shoot us an email and we'll talk it through. Easy a pie.
Talk is Cheap and somethings are beyond reproach.

Whatever, I tried. You guys just want a verbal punching bag. Thats fine. We're the problem in this game. To Hell with all of you.