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Full Version: 24 hour name change rule
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Can't discriminate against some people and allow others. If some people caused the 24 hour change then we have to accept it. Not going to say I support the 499ers but it would be wrong to make them keep their names for 24 hours (as stated earlier they still changed them so 24 hours or 24 minutes is no biggie) and let others change their names to their hearts desires. Can't single out a criminal if he jaywalked and have a dozen more doing the same thing. Would definitely not be right.


Well, I guess, with that being said, then allow the majority, of users, to change their user names, as much as they please, and put some sort of limitations, on those few users, that use the name changing feature, for ill-gotten reasons.


People who change their name to hurt another players feelings are lame.


funny, it was a certain SV member who orig gave us the inspiration for the first name changes that caused the rule change.

signed, 499er, the alkaida of AL.


Scorpious Wrote:Can't discriminate against some people and allow others. If some people caused the 24 hour change then we have to accept it. Not going to say I support the 499ers but it would be wrong to make them keep their names for 24 hours (as stated earlier they still changed them so 24 hours or 24 minutes is no biggie) and let others change their names to their hearts desires. Can't single out a criminal if he jaywalked and have a dozen more doing the same thing. Would definitely not be right.

wow! lol
Ack..I just remembered something. Zenith said somewhere that it wasn't the fact that people kept changing names that was a problem, but what it did to the game's coding and system and shiz. It was making things go alot slower, letting people change their names like that..

I still want to change my name alot, though...........Between woodland creatures and names for 'em. XD


TommiTheTaco Wrote:Yeah. I used to do the same drek. XD!!! Anyway, yeah. I'd love to change my name constantly..I like figuring funny things to say during the holidays. 'Donteattheredsnow' was pretty funny.

Not Sure it wasn't donteattheyellowsnow, tho.. I remember having a cool T-Shirt with a dog pissing on some snow, and this prop right underneath the pic Evil


valleroy86 Wrote:
cheetah Wrote:I happen to LOVE to change my name frequently, based on circumstances, comps, holidays, friends, etc. I am normally "Cheetah", but have been "Tipsy'Kat" during the drinking comp, "Busty-Kat" during the jail bust comp, and countless other feline related names during comps, holidays, friends bdays, etc. But I am starting to find it a little ironic, that I cannot change my name twice within 24 hours, because the rule was put into place bc a particular group of people were using name changes to directly attack one specific person, yet they are still using name changes for that exact reason, while I only want the ability to change mine for totally innocent reasons, yet cannot still do so despite the fact that most of them now have names obviously directed in a negative manner towards one person.

Send a thank you email to the [insert gang name here] for that one.

Lame. Let's all give a hand to the meister! He's one in a million folks!


[Image: Whambulance.jpg]


delpot Wrote:[Image: Whambulance.jpg]

this is by far the best one i have seen out of all,keep up the good work lol lol
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