I happen to LOVE to change my name frequently, based on circumstances, comps, holidays, friends, etc. I am normally "Cheetah", but have been "Tipsy'Kat" during the drinking comp, "Busty-Kat" during the jail bust comp, and countless other feline related names during comps, holidays, friends bdays, etc. But I am starting to find it a little ironic, that I cannot change my name twice within 24 hours, because the rule was put into place bc a particular group of people were using name changes to directly attack one specific person, yet they are still using name changes for that exact reason, while I only want the ability to change mine for totally innocent reasons, yet cannot still do so despite the fact that most of them now have names obviously directed in a negative manner towards one person.
Its so true, its not fair the innocent are penalized for the few and They are still getting away with it while we still have to suffer for it

I'm gonna change my name to
and see what happens. If I get struck down by lightning siren, you can have my house and Cheetah, you can have my guns, armor, stims, and nimbus bars. Poptart can have the one beef jerkey stick I have left.
thanks for leaving me out of the will gr, I mean cmon pop was even in there lol and I think there's a 24 character limit
I agree, I think the name changing should be limitless, except for those who abuse it (like the mail system suspensions)
cheetah Wrote:I happen to LOVE to change my name frequently, based on circumstances, comps, holidays, friends, etc. I am normally "Cheetah", but have been "Tipsy'Kat" during the drinking comp, "Busty-Kat" during the jail bust comp, and countless other feline related names during comps, holidays, friends bdays, etc. But I am starting to find it a little ironic, that I cannot change my name twice within 24 hours, because the rule was put into place bc a particular group of people were using name changes to directly attack one specific person, yet they are still using name changes for that exact reason, while I only want the ability to change mine for totally innocent reasons, yet cannot still do so despite the fact that most of them now have names obviously directed in a negative manner towards one person.
Send a thank you email to the [insert gang name here] for that one.
Zenith and/or Eer could possibly hand select, a potential group, of long-time, well respected Awakened Lands users, that love to keep changing, their user names, and allow these chosen users, to change their user names, as much as their hearts desire.
That'd be pretty nice.
Also, that's one heck of a sentence you have there. XD Lots of commas.
I am aware, that I use excessive commas. It is kind, of a personal thing, if you know, what I mean.
Yeah. I used to do the same crap. XD!!! Anyway, yeah. I'd love to change my name constantly..I like figuring funny things to say during the holidays. 'Donteattheredsnow' was pretty funny.