there is really not a point in posting here except to start drama, if he believes in Christ and states it out loud , that is his choice, but to be put down by a bunch of fools for doing it is even worse, so i will take my leave from this post and move on, can not stand to debate with such stupid people
Teebaggins Wrote:Back to the subject people.
If Christ boy is big enough to publicly announce his religious beliefs, let alone push his beliefs onto others, and on a game of all places, then he should be big enough to take the criticism.
Welcome to the internets.
I have not known him to push his beliefs on others, so I contradict that statement. You say he should be able to handle criticism for his beliefs, but by calling him "Christ boy" you aren't criticizing him, you are making fun of him. If you don't want him to stay then that's you opinion, but go somewhere else with your insults and trash talk.
geez. i say keep religion out of a crime game.
people that ridicule others have self esteem issues and are insecure....its fun to watch e bullies...mama issues maybe
cant be southern im sure
if you are southern and an ebully then god help us all or you must have parental issues
it's sad to see any active players quit
specially thos that don't whine

any way
good luck bud
Mock8800 Wrote:If this will hinder us in preaching God's word then we must cut it off.
i really wouldnt suggest cutting your pecker off. thats just sick man.
oh and by the way,
"I am the devil, and I am here to do the devil's work."
- Otis
Mock8800 Wrote:Snyiper Wrote:Mock8800 Wrote:Love your neighbor as your self. Romans 13:7
Do unto others as you would have them do to you.
If a man slaps you in the face offer him the other cheek.
Do not repay evil for evil.
These are versus from the bible. They all apply here. So no matter what your motive is for the deed. Remember that your don't become the hero, but you become the villain.
Oh please this coming from someone playing a gang violence game with hospitalizations and crime....LOL hypocrite writing
I'm quitting this game because of your comment. I can take being hosp or mug or mentally challenge but if you think me playing this game makes me a hypocrite then I will quit. To all my brothers and sisters in Christ who play this game I advise them do likewise. This game is worldly and will pass away in time. If this will hinder us in preaching God's word then we must cut it off. I had a fun time and have made many friends here. I will remain activate for 3 days so those who I owe money or wish for contact info I will be able to give to them. Zenith I truly enjoyed playing this game but God comes before everything else for me. I hope that this game will continue to grow. I love you all, and will keep you in my thought and prayers. AMEN.
I SEE it now! So its alright for you to push what you believe in our faces but when those of us choose to openly disagree with you, then its not alright. Personally I think you're a hypocrite. Everything's all Okey Dokey when people sit around agreeing with you but as soon as one little wrinkle hits your Big Plan, there you go off and running. People like you make me sick.
*edited spelling errors*
Mock8800 Wrote:Snyiper Wrote:Mock8800 Wrote:Love your neighbor as your self. Romans 13:7
Do unto others as you would have them do to you.
If a man slaps you in the face offer him the other cheek.
Do not repay evil for evil.
These are versus from the bible. They all apply here. So no matter what your motive is for the deed. Remember that your don't become the hero, but you become the villain.
Oh please this coming from someone playing a gang violence game with hospitalizations and crime....LOL hypocrite writing
I'm quitting this game because of your comment. I can take being hosp or mug or mentally challenge but if you think me playing this game makes me a hypocrite then I will quit. To all my brothers and sisters in Christ who play this game I advise them do likewise. This game is worldly and will pass away in time. If this will hinder us in preaching God's word then we must cut it off. I had a fun time and have made many friends here. I will remain activate for 3 days so those who I owe money or wish for contact info I will be able to give to them. Zenith I truly enjoyed playing this game but God comes before everything else for me. I hope that this game will continue to grow. I love you all, and will keep you in my thought and prayers. AMEN.
Yeah..Are you stupid? God tells you to do good and praise his name. Playing a game isn't doing much more than throwing empty time into something entertaining. Things on here aren't real, other than the people behind the characters..
I don't really see why you're listening to the person who said what they did, anyway. It's the internet. You should stick around..
Howlsong Wrote:I SEE it now! So its alright for you to push what you believe in our faces but when those of us choose to openly disagree with you, then its not alright. Personally I think you're a hypocrite. Everything's all Okey Dokey when people sit around agreeing with you but as soon as one little wrinkle hits your Big Plan, there you go off and running. People like you make me sick.
*edited spelling errors*
As for this..Yeah..Everyone could choose to ignore his words and advances in pushing his religion on us(much like I do all the time, because Religion is nonsense to me), much like he should ignore the person who's calling him a hypocrite for playing a video game that isn't going against God's grand will(I know enough to know 'Playing evil make-believe' is not in the testaments).