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where was that pic taken?
if in America, why isnt the American flag higher than the Canadian flag?
if in Canada, why isnt the American flag higher than the Canadian flag?

haha you're sooooo funny.... NOT
mock, you NOT giving me money makes you a really, really big hypocrite
Yeah, it's pretty easy for pieces of shit to sit in front of a computer screen and ridicule someone who stands firm in what he/she believes.
I though this was more of a mature MMORPG than most. Pretty clear to see we're all just playing with a bunch of kids when it actually comes down to a serious issue, not just some little online hit.
Carry on.
WOAH!!! kids playing video games! what has this world come to.
What most fail to see is this response was because he quotes the bible over scamming a scammer...I dont care about the quote or his religion but if your gonna toss gas on a fire expect it to get hot....My intent was never to get someone to quit over a commenrt but it is what it is......If a online game plays this big a part in your religious belief (should we scam a scammer) that quotes from the bible are needed then be prepared for the things you dont want to hear....simpelest thing would have been not quoting the bible over something you dont like. Mock brought in the bible and was called on it...guess there is no were to go after that.
Rhese ten pages should be deleted ASAP!
That is all!
Wow you guys are rude people.
Dont let the door hitcha where the good lord splitcha

Dingus Wrote:Dont let the door hitcha where the good lord splitcha 
:shock: ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
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