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Full Version: Contest-What do we have in common?
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randomjacker Wrote:the contest is for fun.. and... I have seen pictures and she is far from ugly..

I think you just bit off more than you can chew, are you getting ready to retire or something?

no. are you about to retire or something?


zappafrank Wrote:no. are you about to retire or something?

No, maybe you should reconsider since you hit like a girl. Then again maybe thats why you verbally assault ours, except she is big and bad and carry's gun. heheheh

I don't frequent these forums. But you know when someone has to bash something so simple and fun, really has to be bored with their life. You made personal insults at someone that has tried her hardest to make this something fun for the AL residents. That is pretty sad. All you do is knock it cause it isnt enough free money for you.

Heckl for alot of players 10k is probably about a half days wages in crime. Not bad for a little trivial pursuit. So if you don't want to play then stay out of the forum.


In my eyes zappafrank looked 4 a reaction and u guys gave him what he wanted.
Mustachioned is a funny word 4 me btw (considering I'm not native English speaker).
Perhaps he's looking in a woman what his idol has on his face. *creepy*


in my eyes I see

5225 -X- zappafrank 25 145 Hospitalized by BoundByHonor.


Dunno if that will matter much to him as he's been 6h+ offline.

Back on topic, new contest this week?


mortaja Wrote:Dunno if that will matter much to him as he's been 6h+ offline.

Back on topic, new contest this week?

would you like to go in? I really don't care who does. I'm retired anyway.


In the contest? If my brains get to guess something yes, why not?
It's not the cash, it's the fun of it.
Just what AL needs. Another i'm retired but still playing guy. This also know as "Cry for attention"


I'm only playing till I use up the rest of these 15,000 credits on X members
mortaja Wrote:In my eyes zappafrank looked 4 a reaction and u guys gave him what he wanted.
Mustachioned is a funny word 4 me btw (considering I'm not native English speaker).
Perhaps he's looking in a woman what his idol has on his face. *creepy*

yes exactly what he wanted... I am glad you can clearly see that he is crying out for attention.... we are a giving people. and would like to do a community service by answering this cry.

now we may not be able to answer them all, but every now and again we go all out to help. lol
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