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Is there even a reason for it?
MrHyde Wrote:You can but you will never get the truth because its different in everyones eyes and how they want it to be seen.
There's only one truth. What you're talkin' about is call an 'opinion'.
Yet for everyone their opinion is the truth.
Back to square one.
Yep we all know there is only one truth, but the people who know it have twisted it so much to make it there own they how believe its the real truth and the real one is forgot. It happens always has always will.
LikeWhoa Wrote:can i ask what started it all?
Pun touched my no-no places
There is no such thing as universal truth.
There isn't a 'one and only truth'.
I think it had something to do with shoes. New shoes being put in an old shoebox and someone throwing it away by accident..?
Something along those lines anyway.
It all started because i Sent Howl $100 for a lap dance ,
She hosped me, not cause i had sent her the $$ but because I didnt send enough

Most probably people were getting bored.
The things have gotten livelier.
i kinda feel like Carl Weathers right now... and I like it...Untill I started getting hosped...I think my family was starting to feel a little under appreciated...
Thank you! whoever keeps hosping me...It doesn't bother me at all..If I was strong enough I would do the same...
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