Moriarty Wrote:SisterLynx Wrote:6108 VS ThorMonteson 34 175 Hospitalized by VaSherRa.
26887 VS TheReaper 15 154 Hospitalized by VaSherRa.
27214 VS List6vl 11 135 Hospitalized by VaSherRa.
Think I change my name to babykiller. lmao whats the matter training?
Isnt there a post by tommi somewhere whining that we only hit hoppers? I told him his hypocracy was OTT.Prime example here again of failed propaganda
Oh no no no, that is wrong. You don't only hit hoppers.
You trip over the hoppers on your way running from the others.
i see diss has lost 1 member, as so as val during this war, i ask, has SV?

Val members are merely on humanitarian missions. I'll let you know when I'm back

the fact we have 30 members, lots of us are online or away, or the fact you learned how to use fireshot?
Maybe it's the fact your guys gave up first and you can't handle the truth?
just simple print screen + paint :roll:
and nop, try again

on second thought, don't force yourself
I would tell you but it's a secret :wink:

SisterLynx Wrote:Maybe it's the fact your guys gave up first and you can't handle the truth?
Hosp doesnt look like anyone gave up yet
anyone that continues to post that a winner and loser has been determined shows how much they are hurting in this war-hoping we stop...keep em coming...makes me smile