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hmm, no snappy remarks. Must of finally had a reaction to the alcohol, or passed out.

Cheetah..No offense..But that's not wasted EP. You might have gotten money taken from him. And that's 6 minutes of you waiting..It's not the end of your days or anyone else's..
Calm down. A mug's a mug..No money taken, barely a hospital time to stay..No need to freak out.
Have you met cheetah? rofl
Eh..Not really. I don't really understand how someone can snap from a simple mug and a single small stim's worth of hospital time..I don't really care..
All I know is this is..Pretty much wasted time on something silly..
Cheetah gives felines a really bad name with this...suck up the minor minutes and move on. Unless that small stim was just too much of a waste of your valuable time and/or click time?
Thanks for taking control of cheetah punisher by not letting her drunk post anymore

lol post up the borgs you got...and your age
ive got 8
TommiTheTaco Wrote:I don't really understand how someone can snap from a simple mug and a single small stim's worth of hospital time
somehow it makes sense to her.
You honorably defeat Ushanewnewba in combat. You walk away and let your defeated opponent sulk in their own misery.
Experience Earned : 542
Hospitalization Time : 44
and again
i have the old shitola too
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