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If you have a career rank 3 why do you get this.

You work yourself to the bone for an hour and earn $16 plus 2 points. You also have earned 4 experience points.
Randomness and Chaos Theory, perhaps a butterfly flapped its wings in the beach district at the same time that you clicked work an hour.
if i'm not mistaken, when you reach level 2, your max career points per hour is increased by +1, and at level 3, the minimum is increased by +1, and so on and so forth in some similar fashion

so 1-6, 1-7, 2-7, etc.


biffbaffboff Wrote:If you have a career rank 3 why do you get this.

You work yourself to the bone for an hour and earn $16 plus 2 points. You also have earned 4 experience points.

I JUST came here to ask the very same question...
I'm getting complete ASS for points and I'm also rank 3. Getting mighty freaking frustrating.
I didn't notice any drop in my points. I'm rank 3 as well.
Dramatic reduction on points noticed here also
Yeah..Same here, when I was in rank 3. I managed to upgrade to rank 4 last night, though.


I hadn't noticed much of a difference, I made about 20% more than normal yesterday.


grabtindy Wrote:I hadn't noticed much of a difference, I made about 20% more than normal yesterday.

There is a simple explanation for that. Zen is playing favorites.
I noticed it as well, more so with Level 1. I havent gotten a 5 or 6 pt career hour in probably about 1000 hrs. Its always between 2-4. Actually, I cant recall getting a 1 pt career pt outside of overtime for that matter.
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