Qwert, for the love of all that is holy, please, KILL YOURSELF!
qwert is a new definition we created in AL with the assistance of a not-likeable kid.
Oh well i guess i'm stupid ROFLMAO!!

Which is WHY they are calling you Qwert
Iloveyoulongtime Wrote:Oh well i guess i'm stupid ROFLMAO!! 
And you talk a lot of crap for being a level 8.. >_>
I think he would talk a lot regardless of his level.
Mock8800 Wrote:I think he would talk a lot regardless of his level.
Yeah well maybe you should show him that being a "Qwert" isn't really all that fun?

biffbaffboff Wrote:If you have a career rank 3 why do you get this.
You work yourself to the bone for an hour and earn $16 plus 2 points. You also have earned 4 experience points.
Probably for the same reason yo ucan still get 1 point for a double over-time hour on week-ends...
** Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't 1(min point you can gain at level 1-2) * 2 (double over-time gives twice as much in terms of payouts and career points, as said on the work page) = 2? **
Dresicos Wrote:Yeah well maybe you should show him that being a "Qwert" isn't really all that fun? 
wow, you guys are assholes.
mudpies Wrote:Dresicos Wrote:Yeah well maybe you should show him that being a "Qwert" isn't really all that fun? 
wow, you guys are iceholes.