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i noticed several jobs pay crap for points, but need less to upgrade to next lvl and have high conversions. Medical is my job and it doesnt really convert to much and has best starting pay but it took like 700 points to first lvl and stuff but i make about 4 to 8 points per hour ive never gotten over 10 tho. I changed over to construction to train my strength cuz u get 4 per points and i got like 1-2 points per hour worked so i think it varies w/ different jobs
Best run-on ever.




Jail - Jailbreak


Iloveyoulongtime Wrote:Jail - Jailbreak



It means jail-bust.
Is everyone from the X factor Marine Corps braindamaged.....are you guys sitting aroung a computer sniffing paint out of a sock or what....? :roll:


No well i'm not sure about killaj but i definitely don't
That's good. Don't huff that gold haze..

Addition: Nearly got 100 points today, and only rank 4..Haven't hit below 5. Thought that was pretty cool.


Good return on your time Gonad.
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