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Full Version: It takes some beating
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w00k Wrote:Go take your medication.

No thanks, I'm not a pot-head loser, who has failed at the rest of their RL.
^Says the drunk lady who does nothing all day.
You must be out of cheap rail liquor. Poor thing




w00k Wrote:^Says the drunk lady who does nothing all day.

Yes, raising two honor roll student children means nothing! And as far as having nothing to do the rest of the day, sorry my husband makes enough money that I don't have to work, although my 3.975 gpa in grad school, and my internship teaching undergrad college level says all that needs to be said. ! (Unlike some, who's uncles gave them a free ride bc they're too high or hungover all day to hold down a real job!)


cheetah Wrote:
w00k Wrote:^Says the drunk lady who does nothing all day.

Yes, raising two honor roll student children means nothing! And as far as having nothing to do the rest of the day, sorry my husband makes enough money that I don't have to work, although my 3.975 gpa in grad school, and my internship teaching undergrad college level says all that needs to be said. ! (Unlike some, who's uncles gave them a free ride bc they're too high or hungover all day to hold down a real job!)

Good for you? Way to blur those lines of game and real life yet again.


w00k Wrote:
cheetah Wrote:
w00k Wrote:^Says the drunk lady who does nothing all day.

Yes, raising two honor roll student children means nothing! And as far as having nothing to do the rest of the day, sorry my husband makes enough money that I don't have to work, although my 3.975 gpa in grad school, and my internship teaching undergrad college level says all that needs to be said. ! (Unlike some, who's uncles gave them a free ride bc they're too high or hungover all day to hold down a real job!)

Good for you? Way to blur those lines of game and real life yet again.

Isn't this getting personal again. Can't we all share some love.




w00k Wrote:Good for you? Way to blur those lines of reality and real life yet again.

Wow, I'm not blurring anything! I have the life i have always dreamed of. I have the education that could have gotten me anywhere I wanted, but I chose to stay home, bc my kids are the most important things in the world to me, and bc my husband's income allows us the luxury of living the life we want for our kids!. I am sorry, that you, in your lifestyle, haven't found the life long happiness and peace that Pun and I have. Maybe when, and IF you grow up, you will. Until then, I pity you, you will not know true happiness and the rewards of a life well lived as we have.
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