2008.Dec.29, 06:33 PM
2008.Dec.29, 06:35 PM
lol @ cash mugged
I think the entire idea of basing the victor on some measurable stat would be interesting, but you can't really tell Israel and the Palestinians to stop fighting based on who killed the most civilians right?
I think the entire idea of basing the victor on some measurable stat would be interesting, but you can't really tell Israel and the Palestinians to stop fighting based on who killed the most civilians right?
2008.Dec.29, 06:36 PM
roflmao to Zen....nicely put.
2008.Dec.29, 06:37 PM
In all reality I think that total hospital time minutes given out should be the basis of the poll. Thats just my honest two cents here.
The reason for that being simply because I've watched SV and Dis go back and forth taking times with more in the hospital. In order to be fair it should also include the other 4 gangs involved at this time.
Sv, VS, PC
Dis, DisHoppers, and Valhalla.
The winners split the money 3 ways. At least make it fair to everyone this way.
Which gang has spent the most cash on stims
Though I figure that would be harder to determine.
I also forgot to add, that total hospital minutes should be counted from the time that was stated - the time of this thread being posted
The reason for that being simply because I've watched SV and Dis go back and forth taking times with more in the hospital. In order to be fair it should also include the other 4 gangs involved at this time.
Sv, VS, PC
Dis, DisHoppers, and Valhalla.
The winners split the money 3 ways. At least make it fair to everyone this way.
Which gang has spent the most cash on stims

I also forgot to add, that total hospital minutes should be counted from the time that was stated - the time of this thread being posted
2008.Dec.29, 06:37 PM
ROFL!!!!!!!!!!! So true there Zen. They can always base it on who had more troops, weps, and vehicles and divide it by how much fuel although one side will not like that
How many times one side started trouble only to have the other side layeth the smackdown on them but then the other side would not like that either. LOL
How many times one side started trouble only to have the other side layeth the smackdown on them but then the other side would not like that either. LOL
2008.Dec.29, 06:38 PM
***spanked by the boss*** And liked it

2008.Dec.29, 06:40 PM
i think # of energy refreshes would say the most.
2008.Dec.29, 06:41 PM
zenith Wrote:lol @ cash mugged
I think the entire idea of basing the victor on some measurable stat would be interesting, but you can't really tell Israel and the Palestinians to stop fighting based on who killed the most civilians right?
Wrong. Remember their 5 day treaty I simple told them who kicking who butt.
2008.Dec.29, 06:43 PM
alinutza Wrote:MrHyde Wrote:Thank you zen, we need to understand its just a game that we all play for fun, if people let it get to there heads they should take some time away. There is no need to go to that level. I play this game with young kids in the room from time to time and I know others do to, not the sort of think I want them to see.
are you showing them how to hospitalize "virtual" people?? i am sure this is a good education. what's the kid'd id? maybe he can join the fun
Did I say they play the game, were did I say they are member of AL. My computer is in my living room and when my kids are in the room anything on the screen they can see, if its AL, WOW, word, nero or what ever happens to be on the screen at that time. But thank you for adding you bit there.
2008.Dec.29, 06:44 PM
average attacks per person who participated in the war and won..leave, mug, hosps, zerks include them all..they all result in a hosp for someone