2007.Nov.30, 02:16 PM
To all the gangs we've farmed before
Who we have smashed in your door
Are you glad we came along
With Cheetah in her thong
To all the gangs we've warred before
To all the gangs that we have destroyed
We are sorry if you were annoyed
You have really helped us grow
We owe a lot we know
To all the gangs we've warred before
To all the gangs who have tried in the past
We hope the redness has cleared up on your a s s
We were glad you came along
Sorry Bishop wore Siren's thong
To all the gangs we've warred before
To all the gangs who like to talk smack
Here is your chance to get some respect back
We are not as tough as Balazaars pack
But we promise, we will bite back
To all the gangs who have failed in the past
Your chance has come at last
Bring along some pals and have no fear
We are waiting for you with an ice cold beer
To all the gangs we have warred before
Two event times 6 pm server and 9 pm server Sunday Dec 2nd
All gangs participating need to sign up in this thread.
All participating gangs have a 10 minute window to declare-starting at 5:50 pm server and 8:50 pm server respectively. No hits will be allowed until the designated start timesÂ…this allows for all gangs that are warring to be able to declare.
A screenshot will be taken by us and posted to show the winners.
Only the first gang to destroy our hideout wins.
Any gang can signup (including Villains gangs)
First gang to take down the hideout in each event wins 150k and a gang tag.
No pvp combat is allowed between our gang and warring gangs, your gang will be disqualified if a member of svs is attacked.
No paid hits are allowed.
Be ready for an all-out pvp combat version of this event next sunday
Who we have smashed in your door
Are you glad we came along
With Cheetah in her thong
To all the gangs we've warred before
To all the gangs that we have destroyed
We are sorry if you were annoyed
You have really helped us grow
We owe a lot we know
To all the gangs we've warred before
To all the gangs who have tried in the past
We hope the redness has cleared up on your a s s
We were glad you came along
Sorry Bishop wore Siren's thong
To all the gangs we've warred before
To all the gangs who like to talk smack
Here is your chance to get some respect back
We are not as tough as Balazaars pack
But we promise, we will bite back
To all the gangs who have failed in the past
Your chance has come at last
Bring along some pals and have no fear
We are waiting for you with an ice cold beer
To all the gangs we have warred before
Two event times 6 pm server and 9 pm server Sunday Dec 2nd
All gangs participating need to sign up in this thread.
All participating gangs have a 10 minute window to declare-starting at 5:50 pm server and 8:50 pm server respectively. No hits will be allowed until the designated start timesÂ…this allows for all gangs that are warring to be able to declare.
A screenshot will be taken by us and posted to show the winners.
Only the first gang to destroy our hideout wins.
Any gang can signup (including Villains gangs)
First gang to take down the hideout in each event wins 150k and a gang tag.
No pvp combat is allowed between our gang and warring gangs, your gang will be disqualified if a member of svs is attacked.
No paid hits are allowed.
Be ready for an all-out pvp combat version of this event next sunday