2007.Oct.10, 11:10 AM
2007.Oct.10, 11:30 AM
I think this is FUN! Thanks Zen for the comp! You Rock!
2007.Oct.10, 11:51 AM
IM ON THE BOARD!!!! i think im still negative for minutes, and my busts are now 0. at least im not -1 now.
2007.Oct.10, 12:22 PM
i think if u cant bust yourself out you shouldnt be able to credit out but then again this game is for the higher players who can dump the most money into this game, i think there should be a lvl cap and once u have gotten what would have been needed for exp to gain an new lvl you should be able to use those points for your stats or something...........i just dont know how all this is fair to the non donators.......i am a donator myself and this game just isnt fair to the non donators and should be more ballanced somehow.
2007.Oct.10, 01:12 PM
Whine Whine Whine. You've been given a comp to do, as a change for the norm and all you can do is complain. Im sure zen and err don't have to sit and code these extras, they could just leave the game as it is.
So before anyone has their next gripe, please remember some of us do appreciate these extras and the work that goes in to creating them for us.
So before anyone has their next gripe, please remember some of us do appreciate these extras and the work that goes in to creating them for us.
2007.Oct.10, 01:44 PM
thanks zen
I have one bust for like 167 minutes

I have one bust for like 167 minutes

2007.Oct.10, 02:20 PM
is there a leaderboard anywhere?

2007.Oct.10, 02:24 PM
is this over?
2007.Oct.10, 02:26 PM
Everytime Zen and err tries to add a bit of character or something to make the game stand out and to keep it evolving and moving forward for your enjoyment, all alot of you can do is moan, whine, bitch and cry to the hills.
Really Zen could just do what about 99% of the games that follow the same idea do and that is set up the game and then just forget about it and sit on thier asses. How many other games does the administrater take the time to listen to what people want and then goes out of thier way to make them changes.
Hell the way its been lately with the amount of whine mail im sure zens getting im surprised she has had the time to code a new comp and actually sit down and think of new ways of stopping AL become just one of the many same old dry browser based games flooding the net.
My only whine is I have had to start a new job and now bacause of that I cant get onto AL as much as I used to lol but I think that might be out of zens control.
Keep up the good work
Really Zen could just do what about 99% of the games that follow the same idea do and that is set up the game and then just forget about it and sit on thier asses. How many other games does the administrater take the time to listen to what people want and then goes out of thier way to make them changes.
Hell the way its been lately with the amount of whine mail im sure zens getting im surprised she has had the time to code a new comp and actually sit down and think of new ways of stopping AL become just one of the many same old dry browser based games flooding the net.
My only whine is I have had to start a new job and now bacause of that I cant get onto AL as much as I used to lol but I think that might be out of zens control.
Keep up the good work
2007.Oct.10, 02:46 PM
I like it, sure its tough as nails to bust, but dag nabit im gonna bust my heiney off to try and win....or at least come close. I think its great zen has comps, I only wish we had more. Nothing here or anywhere will ever please 100% of the population. Hell, one employee we had was mad because the raise we gave her put her into a higher tax bracket. Such is the depravity of man. Keep up the good times ZEN.... :wink: