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I reckon im up near the 1000 mark ruffly
:oops: sorry siren
Ill have to find my sequined sec
*runs and hides*
I only want to see Siren and Cheetah in a frickin thong not you bro!
The ole banana hammock isn't a good look on dudes, specially with the ass hair hangnin out the back *pukes*
I'm still a little confused about this contest since everyone has their own opinion on it.
I assumed that you don't just tally all your points that you get from drinking. So having "up to 1000 points" doesn't make any difference at's the highest BAC you can maintain. Getting thrown in jail or the hospital knocks that BAC down & you must get it back up to the highest level possible before it gets knocked down again. I think there's more strategy to this contest than just drinking over & over until you're thrown in jail or the hospital.
Zen...can you confirm this?
Idk but the way I'm going, a liver transplant is going to be in order.
Hmm, a cyborg liver implant anyone?
i think by now she would have given us any more info.
thats part of the game...your own strategy
i didnt think 1000 seemed possible either
cuz you cant just drink a beer eevry 10 mins cuz your BAC probably goes down with time faster than that
yep it seems that is the plan just keep drinking, convert that blood to alcohol
I wonder if cyborgs get a penalty seeing as they don't have as much blood and flesh as us humans hehehehehehehe
Well if its like Futurama ( based on Zen's avatar), the cyborg are having a staying sober contest, since robots run on alcohol.
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