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Since no one's saying it, what happened yesterday?
So the hosting btween you two is over now?
(2017.Feb.05 06:04 PM)Dreadwind Wrote: [ -> ]So the hosting btween you two is over now?

Whut? I was askin about Conrad and co. hospin all of decepticons
We warred them. Nuff said.
Oi know how it is, those few gangs that get real butthurt when we beat them in wars. 420 relevant too (just to stay on topic) Smile Smile
(2017.Feb.06 05:04 PM)Dreadwind Wrote: [ -> ]Oi know how it is, those few gangs that get real butthurt when we beat them in wars. 420 relevant too (just to stay on topic) Smile Smile

except that yall lost...AND got put up in the hosp.

DECEPTICONS - 2117 - 4214 -65 - The Space Wranglers
That's exactly why we lost lol!!!
Nobody ever wants a fair gang war anymore, fucking pussies
To be fair, it is a viable strat. He can just do it a lot better than any other gang for the most part.
I kinda think its a bitch move personally. Gang battles should suffice to prevent loss if the gang is really as bad ass as they say. Win some lose some is how i see it.
I agree with mick on tht one, if ur gonna loose then just loos.y waste ur time and energy on hosping and expect ur low level members to waste cash on stimz just to save a few gang points, enless ur being raped in gang battles
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