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I thought I would mention them because I thought it would be a hard challenge I think Mac has a tough gang over there. You know the only way to solve this *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*
#RIPTO420 2k17 it's the movement
Considering that shadow warlords was an established gang years beforw you started playing and the founder has been inactive for quite sometime, i consider shadows to be a dead gang. Asylum doesnt count as shadows to me. They were only a sub gang that branched off years ago and only took the shadows name back when we were in a hosp war with shadows about 2 years ago for a weak excuse to get involved.
Be mad if you want but thats how i feel.
(2017.Jan.25 10:49 AM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]Considering that shadow warlords was an established gang years beforw you started playing and the founder has been inactive for quite sometime, i consider shadows to be a dead gang. Asylum doesnt count as shadows to me. They were only a sub gang that branched off years ago and only took the shadows name back when we were in a hosp war with shadows about 2 years ago for a weak excuse to get involved.
Be mad if you want but thats how i feel.
I've slept since then but the way I remember it was that 420's hosp war was with Asylum. In the name of peace and justice for all of Awakened Lands, 420 expanded it to anyone they thought were related to us. Y'all started hosping The Beer Store just because their gang page says that they are friendly with us. That was the reason you joined 420 after 36th died? Anyway I've been in several gangs and except for DM all of them were Shadow gangs.
This gang has always been a shadow gang since before I started playing, it was shadow of light when I joined it when I was 38 days old , it's been in the same hideout for that length of time . It's changed names a few times but apart from about 6 months when I took it out of the family due to my not been willing to help run the other shadow gang's.
We voted on coming back in, something SG agreed on ( said he never thought of us as out). We've been the biggest and for the most strongest shadow gang for a long time.
Yet again you talk shit about things you know nothing about

Summary 4 mick
Mac said. Youre an idiot.
Wolf said. He's only been in shadow gangs
Fill in the blanks should I have missed something
People obviously have something to prove.
We get it you are a bully. You can hosp someone wuth substantially lower stats without instigation. Point taken. Eadp
How many Shadow gangs have there been I thought 3 maybe
(2017.Jan.25 09:35 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]Whaaaaa I dissed another gangs heritage on the forums now I'm getting hosped but it's not my fault (nothing ever is).
Translated from 420 language for those who don't speak it.
(2017.Jan.26 03:04 AM)pornking Wrote: [ -> ]How many Shadow gangs have there been I thought 3 maybe
At one point we had 5-6 gangs in the family.
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