(2017.Jan.26 05:38 AM)Maccleod Wrote: [ -> ] (2017.Jan.26 04:50 AM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]I didnt really read those but its true. All i said was not countong asylum shadows is dead. Which is an entirely true statement. Of course people dont usually get so mad over lies. Honestly, ive said much worse about asylum with no results whatsoever. which is why i said he just looking for an excuse.
No you said "Shadows died off like 6 years ago. Asylum doesnt count."
Saying my gang is not a shadow gang is an insult to all the time, money & energy I and everyone else has spent over many years keeping the family together.
Don't need excuses when the reason is right there.
Maybe deadpan should right you a noob tutorial lol
Well deadman or icc doesn't seem to care that his member is being hosped
(2017.Jan.26 03:06 AM)Maccleod Wrote: [ -> ] (2017.Jan.25 09:35 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]Whaaaaa I dissed another gangs heritage on the forums now I'm getting hosped but it's not my fault (nothing ever is).
Translated from 420 language for those who don't speak it.
(2017.Jan.26 03:04 AM)pornking Wrote: [ -> ]How many Shadow gangs have there been I thought 3 maybe
At one point we had 5-6 gangs in the family.
DM and SW/shadows were allied for a long time. I think what mick was trying to say is that without SG and a group of gangs it just isn't the same. MAC apparently takes offense to that since he has been a shadow for years.
we were allies cause of SG, he gave me my first gun when I was a noob and I never forgot that. At the same time I kinda thought like Mick where the shadows were pretty much history, but looking at it from mac's perspective that would be BS since him and his gang are still in great shape. and his is still a loyal Shadow.
Eitherway... someone start some shit! this place is getting boring!
Hey MAC.... Yur a fag! how's that

Spent a fortune finding you only to see this..
You got smoked by randomjacker.
Been a while since I saw that lol
(2017.Feb.02 08:59 AM)Maccleod Wrote: [ -> ]Spent a fortune finding you only to see this..
You got smoked by randomjacker.
Been a while since I saw that lol
8:57 am
Mac attacked you and lost.
good to see you can't take an upper cut still
most fun I have had in probably close to a year.... and it really was nothing.
dun dun dun!
You pound Mac to a bloody pulp. Your blood lust isn't quenched however, and you continue to pulverize your opponent until exhausted. After catching your breath you stagger off.
Experience Earned : 0
Hospitalization Time : 186
(2017.Feb.02 09:13 AM)randomjacker Wrote: [ -> ] (2017.Feb.02 08:59 AM)Maccleod Wrote: [ -> ]Spent a fortune finding you only to see this..
You got smoked by randomjacker.
Been a while since I saw that lol
8:57 am
Mac attacked you and lost.
good to see you can't take an upper cut still 
most fun I have had in probably close to a year.... and it really was nothing.
dun dun dun!
You pound Mac to a bloody pulp. Your blood lust isn't quenched however, and you continue to pulverize your opponent until exhausted. After catching your breath you stagger off.
Experience Earned : 0
Hospitalization Time : 186
9:50 am randomjacker hospitalized you in a maniacal frenzy. DocWagon came to rescue you!
20 min doc wagon effect lol
(2017.Feb.02 08:26 AM)randomjacker Wrote: [ -> ] (2017.Jan.26 03:06 AM)Maccleod Wrote: [ -> ] (2017.Jan.25 09:35 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]Whaaaaa I dissed another gangs heritage on the forums now I'm getting hosped but it's not my fault (nothing ever is).
Translated from 420 language for those who don't speak it.
(2017.Jan.26 03:04 AM)pornking Wrote: [ -> ]How many Shadow gangs have there been I thought 3 maybe
At one point we had 5-6 gangs in the family.
DM and SW/shadows were allied for a long time. I think what mick was trying to say is that without SG and a group of gangs it just isn't the same. MAC apparently takes offense to that since he has been a shadow for years.
we were allies cause of SG, he gave me my first gun when I was a noob and I never forgot that. At the same time I kinda thought like Mick where the shadows were pretty much history, but looking at it from mac's perspective that would be BS since him and his gang are still in great shape. and his is still a loyal Shadow.
Eitherway... someone start some shit! this place is getting boring!
Hey MAC.... Yur a fag! how's that 
This exactly what im saying.
No Mick that's not what you said !