the problem with 2 or 3 people ganging up on somebody to get points is this - they would have to be people that are not in the gang. if you used gang members, although you might get 10 points when the 3rd person attacks and finally beats the stronger opponent, you would lose 10 points for both of the people that had to attack the stronger person to soften them up. you net -10 points and wind up with 2 people in the hosp to their 1. not enough payout there.
That is very true Chummer. A little point tweaking would solve that issue.
w00k you are a nasty beast. Why not just attack yourself? Or War the retirement home and farm Pullo!
Think about it ... farming Pullo ...
just saying thawdgharp raises a valid point and any gang out there w/ higher lvls will act in that manner. they should at least have the protection of not being attackable below 50%.
w00k Wrote:they should at least have the protection of not being attackable below 50%.
yeppers, we need time to grab more stims from storage (encumbrance), grab a couple nimbus (encumbrance), click the opposing gang's user list, click around to find someone who's in your district and not in the hosp... right now by the time you even click your storage page you're already in the hosp.
It may seem like nobody would attack you if you're not worth points but why would your opponent leave you around to attack their treehouse?
Please stop warring gang X.
Savages :shock:
mudpies Wrote:w00k Wrote:they should at least have the protection of not being attackable below 50%.
yeppers, we need time to grab more stims from storage (encumbrance), grab a couple nimbus (encumbrance), click the opposing gang's user list, click around to find someone who's in your district and not in the hosp... right now by the time you even click your storage page you're already in the hosp.
It may seem like nobody would attack you if you're not worth points but why would your opponent leave you around to attack their treehouse?
agreed. and
Is there a medium ground where a mid level player could still take down a high level player?
Maybe have no attacks below serious. This would allow a properly stimmed player the refresh or two necessary to re-stock, travel, smoke a butt, as well as affording players the ability to attack and defeat higher level/higher stat players.
Also, maybe have the ability to view the opposing gang's member page from the hosp. Allowing you the ability to watch an opposing players status and stim out accordingly.
we've tried the "team up on him" approach. so far, it just puts most of us in the hosp. this is terrible. hatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehate

the individual gang battle is a bullshit!!!