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Full Version: Jobs Stat Conversions
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4TRESS Wrote:Anyone done overtime yet?

Yup, pays alittle more, more points, more exp. but ap goes up as well, went up an extra 5 ap for me.
I have only worked 8 hours, but I don't have that option of overtime, do some jobs not have that ability?


Try now since it has refreshed. Smile Smile
nope, I have gotten refresh twice since I got my 8 hours, still no choice to work OT


here's military:

Stat Increase Per Work Point
Strength 2.00
Dexterity 1.40
Accuracy 2.00
Resistance 2.25
Intelligence 0.03
Endurance 0.04
Reputation 0.01
Work Experience 0.70

Spare Points Needed for Promotion 500


HMMMM, what job do you have? Also, can anyone else see if you have an OT option after your normal 8 hours? I have done 3 hours OT for medical so far.
I am Politician

Career Politics
Career Rating 1
Total Hours Worked 8
Hourly Wage $10
Total Points Earned 33
Available Points to Spend 33
Spare Points Needed for Promotion 725

Job Duties
Convert Job Points
Quit Your Job

Job Ability Career Points Description
Negotiate Lower Bail 2 A politician, even a aide, can attempt to negotiate a lower bail.

Those are my options


civilkyanite Wrote:here's military:

Stat Increase Per Work Point
Strength 2.00
Dexterity 1.40
Accuracy 2.00
Resistance 2.25
Intelligence 0.03
Endurance 0.04
Reputation 0.01
Work Experience 0.70

I see a low INT bonus there. I guess it is true what they say about marines. LOL




Any comment Hostile since you appear to have gone politics too?


hahaha...i tried for the military b/c of the resistance being high
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