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i gave an example. it seems fair (to me).it would be nice for them not to participate..or give the money to those who are in the second place..if they win a category..that's my opinion
IMO, you're a couple rules short, and a couple rules over the optimum...
I'm supposed to sit and wait for Shadowkid to come online, read this thread, and attack me, before I can attack him? lol
You're lucky I have him on MSN, but those other guys... I don't see why I can't attack all of them now, mail the go2o dude my reports, and wait for the second hit from all of them and voala 8)
29th?!? Are you insane? For two fights each? lol
I'm still in but... Man
Do winners get TAGs - I want a tag!!!
499ers keep yer rep up, i like you guys :wink:
BTW when should i attack or since im the higher ID can i delay this till 2morow due to im confused
If you wait till tomorrow i think you'll be eliminated. Round one is today. Just mail your opponent and see when they want to do it. If you don't get a response and it starts getting late today, go ahead and attack. They will have to give you 30 mins before they attack you. Mail the results from both fights to g2o2d4wp and prepare for round 2.
Several issues to address from your posts:
1) weapons & armor- it wasn't specified that you couldn't trade or share weapons & armor but I think we all know that when you haven't trained or fought with weapons before their effectiveness is not 100% or even really close.
2) 499ers participation- this is an individual player tournament with nothing to do with a gang or gang participation therefore 499ers are free to participate and win. The tournament was sponsored by the 499ers. Everyone has an equal opportunity to win regardless of gang affiliation or where the payout funds come from.
3) All players must communicate with opponents. There is no code written for this and it is something that was done to be fun. For those unhappy with the format or things that may not be perfect I'm sorry but I'm trying to correct any ommissions and tweak any mistakes so that the $499k goes to the strongest players.
4) All 1st round matchups should be complete by midnight tonight so that the brackets can be updated. If for some reason you can't do it let me know & I'll try to make provisions, if we know who your 2nd round opponent will be I will contact them and let them know there is a delay.
5) If your opponent hasn't responded after repeated attempts and it gets past 7pm feel free to attack & email me results.
Hope this helps
here's a minor dilemma:
i emailed my opponent last night about fight time and suggested some time this afternoon server time...
went to bed around midnight after not receiving a response...
woke up this morning and saw that shortly after i logged off she repsonded saying she wanted to do it at 1:30am server time (allready passed) seems to me shes in a foregin country and the time differences are way now, while im up all day and on my computer shes most likely sleeping...
what to do?
nvm got my answer in an email lol
go ahead & attack & send me results.
send your opponent an email stating they may attack you at will & be sure you have hit points so there are no issues.
tell opponent to email me results hopefully 1 round will do!
Can i clarify that the final free for all stage does not include beserk attacks?
All player should be leaving their opponents
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