Defrauding paypal, playing with a bot are one.
However, this is the first time I've ever seen someone get thrown in for a name change. Seems like censorship at the highest form.
If somoene changed their name to something inappropriate why not just change it back and suspend thier name changing privs?
Fed jail seems a bit harsh.
If I had a party at my house and someone came in with a shirt on that had a defamatory comment on it directed at me, I would sure as hell do a lot more than ask he or she to put on another shirt.
yeah, can't really argue that one.
Its a good argument weebay but the remark could have been true or not true. It certainly wasnt ethically or racially defamatory. I'd agree with the sentence if that were the case.
The question I asked was should their priv just be taken away and name changes suspended?
Where does it stop? Can I be put in fed jail just for posting this thread because I disagree with the maker?
*edited for spelling. That might be a fed jail offense
Nope. That would be downright unacceptable.
In my near 2 years here, I can not recall any bots. Well, I guess that is a good thing. Let us all hope that it stays that way.

Maybe it depends on what the name was and who, if anyone, it was attacking. All the reasons may not be there as to why placed in fed jail, but the "inappropriate name".
maybe zen and err is tired of players using their names in the wronge way,i hate to see any player in fed jail, but this may stop alot of the name changes that are not appropriate , maybe players will start thinking before they change thier names, i really do not know what name was used so i can only say this much,if it was not very nice he/she should have thought about it before he/she did it
ShadowGuard, while I think you have a morally sound statement there, this isn't kindergarten. If I wanna change my name to "DVDA", it ain't nice but I can do it.
In this case, I think pot shots were taken at the one who provides you the luxury of AL. You wanna call someone out, do it to someone who doesnt dictate your actions.