2008.Feb.26, 04:57 PM
2008.Feb.26, 05:35 PM
Fractaleyes Wrote:ShadowGuard, while I think you have a morally sound statement there, this isn't kindergarten. If I wanna change my name to "DVDA", it ain't nice but I can do it.
In this case, I think pot shots were taken at the one who provides you the luxury of AL. You wanna call someone out, do it to someone who doesnt dictate your actions.
when the rules say pg 13 that is very easy to understand
2008.Feb.26, 05:49 PM
dayute Wrote:I never thought AL's admin would resort to fascism but hey, the rest of the world does it, why should AL be any different.
That may be one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read. If you don't like the game why don't you take your ball and go home. Your man made an arse of himself by calling out one of the two people who could effectively shut him the frag up.
Grow up and take your half-arsed political nonsense someplace where people actually give a drek.
Edited for good measure.
Remember the AL dictionary and try not to mask words please.
Fa*r En**gh.
2008.Feb.26, 06:07 PM
Bottom line, dont f with the admins....its like tempting God one to many times by standing out in the middle of traffic, or holding a large metal sign post in a lightening storm or voting for one to many ultra liberal democrats. Play with fire, you get burned. He knew that his actions would have some sort of consequences, whether it be a name change ban or worse. He did what the 99ers are so good at, getting a rise out of people
...His rise just got him jailed. Kind of like flipping off a cop that asks you to walk a line 

2008.Feb.26, 06:21 PM
Punisher Wrote:or voting for one to many ultra liberal democrats.
i had a feeling this thread wasn't complete without a little right wing conservatism

2008.Feb.26, 06:38 PM
Am I ever gonna get an answer as to what lands you in fed jail?
And for that matter what name changes aren't tolerated. Im assuming since Zen doled out this punishment she'll certainly be consistent in her name change rulings for the future. Wont she?
And for that matter what name changes aren't tolerated. Im assuming since Zen doled out this punishment she'll certainly be consistent in her name change rulings for the future. Wont she?
2008.Feb.26, 06:46 PM
w00k Wrote:Punisher Wrote:or voting for one to many ultra liberal democrats.
i had a feeling this thread wasn't complete without a little right wing conservatism
lol...i had to add some balance...no phishe I dont have your answer

2008.Feb.26, 07:08 PM
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Yes yes, that was my doing. Bow to my wimsicle ways of persuasion!
I cant belive u got that brought back of all the useless codes we ever got this is the one Everyone i talk to hates the most!

2008.Feb.26, 07:28 PM
Hmm. Should show that some people need to learn to quit being bullies, eh Howlsong? Let people play the game how it's supposed to be played?
2008.Feb.26, 07:29 PM
Maybe people should start training rather than crying for more and more crutches. Eh, weakling?