2011.Mar.28, 11:31 AM
2011.Mar.28, 11:31 AM
2011.Mar.28, 12:15 PM
(2011.Mar.28 11:04 AM)drec92 Wrote: [ -> ]tommi has an AL school education, passed all his physical ED classes with A++, yet in rl he can barley walk.shame shame shame
that is the first time i could make out what you've typed, ever. you are hereby awarded one silver star for your accomplishment.
now for the gold star, spell 'melee.'
2011.Mar.28, 12:22 PM
2011.Mar.28, 12:36 PM
(2011.Mar.28 12:16 AM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]Are you going to stick around in the forum for the next three hours glenn? You might as well go outside get some vitamin c. Perhaps talk to some people, develop that winning personality. Or you could just admit defeat
Well done glenn you brutalized someone 8 levels below you. And hes the same age
Think you mean Vitamin D?
(2011.Mar.28 12:22 PM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Maylaay
Wait, isn't that your Vietnamese "friend"?
2011.Mar.28, 02:14 PM
(2011.Mar.28 10:48 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ](2011.Mar.28 06:42 AM)mblume Wrote: [ -> ]Tommi, still waiting for you to attack me. Why still no attempt? Scared you'll bite again?
Funny how every argument you use against Glenn directly relates to your failures in the game. You antagonize weaker players to bite off, you wont attack stronger players, and you too were kicked from SV, and then VS kicked from the Villain family. Talk about an in game failure!
Oh, but you're cool because you win every drinking contest the game has ever had. Get a life and step away from the PC once in a while doooooosh!
Look as this cock sucker run. Amazing.
Don't worry, Blume. You're in the same boat as Glenn. Too weak to do anything, but won't do anything when you're called. As for Syndicate, I left. They're no longer part of the Villains(Or did you not get the memo 'cause you're too stuck up yor own ass to realize your in-game, and real life, failures in understanding and the English language?).
Don't worry, brah. I've got a life. It's you who needs to step away from the computer and go get your GED or something.'Cause we all know your dumbass could use some education.
Run? If by run you mean offline then ok, I guess. Are you jealous because you haven't been physically able to run in 12 years due to excessive weight?
2011.Mar.28, 02:24 PM
come on what is it with this fucking weight thing is this all you borning cunts can come up with lame 

2011.Mar.28, 02:34 PM
(2011.Mar.28 02:14 PM)mblume Wrote: [ -> ]Run? If by run you mean offline then ok, I guess. Are you jealous because you haven't been physically able to run in 12 years due to excessive weight?
Another worthless insult. xD You've never been around me, huh? I'd run circles around you, and, yes gentlemen, that's a dig. A mean one that a hefty guy can outrun the lean, mean kids about the block.

I mean districts, though. Should learn to read. Again, e-duh-muh-cation could do you a whole heap of good, shortstop. Ran from DD to Midlan, and YOUR MOUTH(aka cock sucker).
2011.Mar.28, 02:43 PM
(2011.Mar.28 02:34 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ](2011.Mar.28 02:14 PM)mblume Wrote: [ -> ]Run? If by run you mean offline then ok, I guess. Are you jealous because you haven't been physically able to run in 12 years due to excessive weight?
Another worthless insult. xD You've never been around me, huh? I'd run circles around you, and, yes gentlemen, that's a dig. A mean one that a hefty guy can outrun the lean, mean kids about the block.
I mean districts, though. Should learn to read. Again, e-duh-muh-cation could do you a whole heap of good, shortstop. Ran from DD to Midlan, and YOUR MOUTH(aka cock sucker).
Yes I did run to midlan, ask chef why...
Nevermind, I'll tell you:
CHEFBOY Hosp Win 12 7 1,724 163 425 286
Then he ran to midlan, and so did I
CHEFBOY Hosp Win 8 6 1,560 4 330 344
CHEFBOY Hosp Win 4 4 2,231 11 603 1357
2011.Mar.28, 02:46 PM
(2011.Mar.28 02:43 PM)mblume Wrote: [ -> ](2011.Mar.28 02:34 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ](2011.Mar.28 02:14 PM)mblume Wrote: [ -> ]Run? If by run you mean offline then ok, I guess. Are you jealous because you haven't been physically able to run in 12 years due to excessive weight?
Another worthless insult. xD You've never been around me, huh? I'd run circles around you, and, yes gentlemen, that's a dig. A mean one that a hefty guy can outrun the lean, mean kids about the block.
I mean districts, though. Should learn to read. Again, e-duh-muh-cation could do you a whole heap of good, shortstop. Ran from DD to Midlan, and YOUR MOUTH(aka cock sucker).
Yes I did run to midlan, ask chef why...
Nevermind, I'll tell you:
CHEFBOY Hosp Win 12 7 1,724 163 425 286
Then he ran to midlan, and so did I
CHEFBOY Hosp Win 8 6 1,560 4 330 344
CHEFBOY Hosp Win 4 4 2,231 11 603 1357
harry, you are trying to talk sense with a fucktard. he wont get it. i have decided not to try talking to that fat fucking stupid assed cunt. he can take his special school diploma and shove it up his fat bunny suite wearing ass.
hey monk.
2011.Mar.28, 02:47 PM
If you say so, Blume.
You ran scared like a bitch. Much like Glenn does. Poor kid.
Excuse me, Harry. Seems you're not as much of a bitch as I have previously thought.
3:51 pm HaroldHood attacked you and lost.
Horrible loss, but actually came to attack me. Nice.

Excuse me, Harry. Seems you're not as much of a bitch as I have previously thought.
3:51 pm HaroldHood attacked you and lost.
Horrible loss, but actually came to attack me. Nice.