You know, Glenn. I've throw you the challenge to come attack me with...Anything. Hosp, leave, Zerk(Your best option). I've yet to see this in my events list.
6:37 am
New! GlennQuagmire attacked you and lost. Delete
When are you going to show me how bad you are?

Put me in the hospital, plz, Glenn.
(2011.Mar.27 11:34 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]You know, Glenn. I've throw you the challenge to come attack me with...Anything. Hosp, leave, Zerk(Your best option). I've yet to see this in my events list.
6:37 am
New! GlennQuagmire attacked you and lost. Delete
When are you going to show me how bad you are?
Put me in the hospital, plz, Glenn.
hey, did you steal that one from my events

Bet your ass I did. Wonder what his excuse will be for that one.

he has none; i warned him last time he bit off that he needs to zerk me to win. needless to say ive gotten over 6 zerks from him in the last couple days. Giggity

Finally one of the great forum questions has been answered…
How do you keep a Quagmire quiet?
Beat the fuck out of him in game, suddenly he becomes a mute
(2011.Mar.27 01:06 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]he has none; i warned him last time he bit off that he needs to zerk me to win. needless to say ive gotten over 6 zerks from him in the last couple days. Giggity 
and ppl say we don't fight back. hey i did get some sweet times and managed at least one hosp dude.
tommi me attacking you is like you attacking bc. the moment i see you do that i will consider attacking your fat ass.
(2011.Mar.27 01:13 PM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]Finally one of the great forum questions has been answered…
How do you keep a Quagmire quiet?
Beat the fuck out of him in game, suddenly he becomes a mute
the only thing you have done to me is hit me with leaves. i get the feeling someone is looking at level 50..... i am mainly doing hosps mori, so even with the head start i gave you, you should still get to 50 first. ya cunt.

(2011.Mar.27 03:08 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]tommi me attacking you is like you attacking bc. the moment i see you do that i will consider attacking your fat ass.
Tommi hurry up and hit bconrad so Glenn can bite off to ya.