(2011.Mar.28 02:47 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]If you say so, Blume.
You ran scared like a bitch. Much like Glenn does. Poor kid.
Excuse me, Harry. Seems you're not as much of a bitch as I have previously thought.
3:51 pm HaroldHood attacked you and lost.
Horrible loss, but actually came to attack me. Nice.
You give yourself too much credit. I went there to attack Chef again. I don't run from you and certainly don't chase you.
(2011.Mar.28 02:46 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]harry, you are trying to talk sense with a fucktard. he wont get it. i have decided not to try talking to that fat fucking stupid assed cunt. he can take his special school diploma and shove it up his fat bunny suite wearing ass.
Actually not trying to talk sense. I just really enjoy his 4th grade mentality when it comes to smack talk. He is SO lame, and blatantly makes shit up so much, it's actually entertaining.
well im to week to hit you so i run make you spend your money

I don't give myself enough credit, Blume.

If I was trying to go after you guys, you would definitely know it.
(2011.Mar.28 03:01 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]I don't give myself enough credit, Blume.
If I was trying to go after you guys, you would definitely know it.
can't you see he is eating harry. maybe after lunch and his nap.
![[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSfS6tdt-0B_v2QqYXL9H1...lC7xIHryAA]](http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSfS6tdt-0B_v2QqYXL9H16-69aTa96xYCmBpOij9zClC7xIHryAA)
(2011.Mar.28 02:58 PM)pornking Wrote: [ -> ]well im to week to hit you so i run make you spend your money 
I know this, but to Tommi it means everyone is running away from him.
(2011.Mar.28 03:36 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]What a dickweed. 
That might be the kind you smoke, but not me. Which explains why you are sitting in the hosp hiding from Thrillhouse.
And why your whole gang is hiding in the hospital from a gang you feel superior to?
You fail at insults, man. Might want to look at your own situations before you speak out.
(2011.Mar.28 03:55 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]And why your whole gang is hiding in the hospital from a gang you feel superior to? 
You fail at insults, man. Might want to look at your own situations before you speak out.
My insults are a direct copy of the BS you come up with. Thanks for proving a point. Good dog...so predictable!
If you think so, Blume.

Fucking retarded shake smoking dweeb. Get out of the hospital more often.