2007.Sep.22, 08:41 PM
2007.Sep.22, 09:07 PM
Saerin Wrote:they are no longer invincible.....it just takes having active member, deep pockets to get a good number of members, and a little strategy and teamwork.
I agree with this but you forgot to mention that you need stims also when you decide to attack a gang and/or fight back against a gang attacking you since they may not like it and decide to hospitalize you anyways. I like the new system as well.
Also, as far as what Punisher said about "Why have a gang if you don't war?" the above can be a reason for some gangs. Also, when gangs are unable to get up to even 75% of their hideout before being declared on again is kind of a turn off I think to warring also. I think when we get the chance to see how much health hideouts have there may be more warring as the gangs may get to a 75% hideout level and then decide to war another instead of a high member, high level gang hitting them all the time.
I am glad you all are giving me a chance to have my hideout refresh when I am online. Some gangs don't. LOL
2007.Sep.22, 10:52 PM
just wanted to clarify my earlier post... I luv the new war system... dont get me wrong. I'd rather war than crime
Thing is it gets bloody tedious when thats all u do. It would really be nice if we could have the option to do both pvp and hideout attacks as well as 1 or the other... a limit could be set of so many pvp per day/ week or something.
Anyway just a suggestion?

Thing is it gets bloody tedious when thats all u do. It would really be nice if we could have the option to do both pvp and hideout attacks as well as 1 or the other... a limit could be set of so many pvp per day/ week or something.
Anyway just a suggestion?
2007.Sep.23, 07:14 AM
gtoofs Wrote:Well it is silly for those people who are stingy with their apsI said it is sily becouse sometimes wars can be 2 minutes long and you can do 10 wars or even more in one day...for others it allows gangs to survive where before they were wiped off al forever. Gang wars now might not involve attacking and hospitilizations...but they can...nothing is stopping anyone from putting opposing members in the hospital.
We are gangster not hug bears. The new system is totally bloodless and look more like childish play on sand when one child dig holes under other sand castle that real gang war :roll:
Old system was much more realistic when gangs actually attack each other and hurt each other
2007.Sep.23, 10:48 AM
i do miss the fact that in the old war system that you could attack for a purpose like siren said. but i remember the first gang i was in was destroyed during the "gang page cleansing" which made me sad.and motivated me to get stronger to one day destroy the gang that destroyed mine. an idea i had would be sort of a cease fire that could only be broken by the defending gang but once it was all bets were off for attacking. and then bonus points or gang points could be earned for won battles not just a won war. for example gang a declares war on gang B gang B is off line so there are pretty much farmed for gang points but no one from gang A can attack any of the members. but next time around gang A declares on gang B but this time some people are around and they want to put up a fight so not only does gang b start attacking gang A's hideout, they also try attacking some of its members to take them out of the equation when they do that it becomes a full war no more cease fire and any one can attack anyone or any hideout (no coding restrictions) just an idea if you wish me to clarify this let me know and i'll edit the post
2007.Sep.23, 11:11 AM
Rafallol Wrote:och well Now you know that you shoudnt lisen whiners. We really apreciate your hard work and love you for it :oops: but onestly I really hate new war system its very boring and tottaly silly for me :cry:
it's easy for you to say that when you are at level 42 and can get the money for a new gang in 2 or 3 days...but for others that have sold their houses and put some money in their gang, losing it it's not that easy to cope with just because someone deicded to destroy a gang..
2007.Sep.23, 11:56 AM
alinutza Wrote:My gang was disbanded 5 times and about 10 my friends left game becouse of that :cry: I spent lots time in hospital and spent hundred thousandsRafallol Wrote:och well Now you know that you shoudnt lisen whiners. We really apreciate your hard work and love you for it :oops: but onestly I really hate new war system its very boring and tottaly silly for me :cry:
it's easy for you to say that when you are at level 42 and can get the money for a new gang in 2 or 3 days...but for others that have sold their houses and put some money in their gang, losing it it's not that easy to cope with just because someone deicded to destroy a gang..
dolars on Stim-pack so belive me i know disadventage of old system pretty well but afer all we are gangster not hug bears :roll: New system have adventages but its very boring :cry:
2007.Sep.23, 12:08 PM
But it still makes many people angry, we still see hospitalizations due to gang wars and most important of all (read the sarcasm here), we still hear people whine and cry because of wars.
So, if it can make you feel better for good old times sakes, when at war, hosp a player or 2 (it's not like no1 has been hosped since the new system in war time) and see what happens but choose your targets carefully, some of them may have powerful unknown allies.
So, if it can make you feel better for good old times sakes, when at war, hosp a player or 2 (it's not like no1 has been hosped since the new system in war time) and see what happens but choose your targets carefully, some of them may have powerful unknown allies.
2007.Sep.23, 12:15 PM
Or even an ally unknow to others that helps out and gets stims for a gang getting hospitalized because they are in a gang war. That was a fun time doing that. I bet the other gang was really getting frustrated because their opponent kept stimming out. LOL
2007.Sep.23, 12:56 PM
Rafallol Wrote:My gang was disbanded 5 times and about 10 my friends left game becouse of that :cry: I spent lots time in hospital and spent hundred thousands dolars on Stim-pack so belive me i know disadventage of old system pretty well but afer all we are gangster not hug bears :roll: New system have adventages but its very boring :cry:
i believe you, you have been playingb the game for more time than me, but it's better now that gangs cannot be disbanded anymore
i also agree that wars are boring, BUT why dont u war on a good gang that has enough players online and then maybe the war wont be borring anymore
maybe we should have an option to disband the gang if we want..just like in TW for tribes? what do you think?