Well it is silly for those people who are stingy with their aps

...for others it allows gangs to survive where before they were wiped off al forever. Gang wars now might not involve attacking and hospitilizations...but they can...nothing is stopping anyone from putting opposing members in the hospital.
I was just too late for that pun, grr. Yeah, stinginess with AP, I could see how this new combat would affect a non-donator. But fortunately there are still many things you can do to combat this new combat. Donate, don't be in a gang, or be in a gang and never fight.. probably other things too.

Rafallol Wrote:would be good if only players who remember old system vote. I miss old war system :cry:
I definitly miss it as well.
And your definitly right about this new war code benefiting donors as opposed to non-donors Ush.
valleroy86 Wrote:[
I definitly miss it as well.
And your definitly right about this new war code benefiting donors as opposed to non-donors Ush.
What's odd is the system was developed to make it so donators couldn't dominate since it uses APs instead of refreshable energy.
It truly doesnt matter what changes are made, because someone will always find a reason to complain, whether it is valid or not, i guess we are all entitled to our own opinions. I personally have found this war code very fair to all levels, and I like it. Is it perfect, no...but neither am I. The beauty of the new war code is, you can choose to war or not to war....but if you dont...you might find your arse out on your own

...because that is the primary function of gangs. For those of you who have a gang and dont war...my question is why have a gang? I am sure zen has some ideas about war penalties and such in her mind...but making everyone happy all the time..pfft...never gonna happen.
zenith Wrote:What's odd is the system was developed to make it so donators couldn't dominate since it uses APs instead of refreshable energy.
AP that could be used to make $. And making money is key for a non-donator (and some donators who desire giant houses, too).
A cool idea would be to allow gangs to distribute war hits, which are purchased for cash. War ammo? I dunno. Something like that. Something that isn't AP and isn't EN, but can be purchased.
The # of hits allowed in an X minute period would still need to be limited.
Would still favor the larger gangs, as should be the case, but might give non donators more of a reason/means to participate.
I think we are going to stick with the way things are with gang wars. Not going to be changing to another system again. The AP cost was intended to be a trade-off... you either do crimes, bust players out of jail, or attack a hideout.
zenith Wrote:I think we are going to stick with the way things are with gang wars. Not going to be changing to another system again. The AP cost was intended to be a trade-off... you either do crimes, bust players out of jail, or attack a hideout.
Can someone tell me how to donate?
I like the new system, BUT we need to have more options. Like different ways to attack hideout or different things we can get instead of just points like money or hospitalize opponents, ect.
stuff like that would make it more interesting
The biggest problem I see is that most wars are over before the defenders can defend themselves.
Gang A has 7 people on and Gang B has 7 people on, Gang A attacks and has Gang B almost half destroyed before Gang B can start fighting back.
I think that hideouts need more HP so as to make sure that more strategy is needed to win wars. of course that is just my opinion.