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Full Version: Glenn needs some lessons in running a gang!
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Dear Glenn,
You asked us this morning if we "are done yet". Couple problems with that:

1) you said your gang would not stop unless we publicly surrendered in the forums

2) you think we will just quit with the words "done yet"

3) SVs are NEVER done, whether it be lights out, or dealing with idiots, like Dingus, who started a hosping war, by hosping one of ours know, or should well know by now, you hosp an SV, esp online, you've started something that you will have to surrender to finish.

4) If you think the rules you want to apply to us, don't apply to you (surrender on the forums), then you're more delusional than any of us ever thought!

Now, coward, quit hiding! You are pres of your gang, yet you stay in higher districts and do not defend your gang. What a role model!

You just confirm that the gang SV built is something you and yours will never have. Enjoy your hiding, and abandoning your lower levels.

Fight well lost for you, and I pitty the disgrace you have brought upon your gang!

Sleep well with that, sorry excuse of a gang president!
shut up, cheets. you are not your gang prez so who really gives a fuck what you think?


I don't have to be pres to recognize a coward when I see one, and to call him on it.
your thread is entitled "lessons in running a gang."


I, as have many other veteran SVs, been Pres of our gang. We used to have to rotate it, before privvies allowed for not just one person being Pres. If you knew what you were talking about, then you wouldn't have made that stupid comment! Now, please, only, comments that are actually relevant to this situation, and Glen's hiding like a coward, ty!
i hosped hit a few nights ago and didn't surrender.
^^^pretty relevant^^^
where can i hide that two level 60's can't hit me? i am done with this war. was told two ways to end it. leave or surrender from the gang. i am leaving.


General Info
Name: GlennQuagmire [30185] Donator: 14 Days Left
User Class: Human Member
User Level: 43
Gender: Male
Signed Up: March 6, 2009 4:17:12 am
Last Active: November 1, 2010 8:32:52 pm
Last Action: 5 seconds ago
Online: Online
Days Old: 605
Friends: 63
Enemies: 28
Physical Info
Health Status: Fair Condition
Gang: E A D P

But no response from the worst gang pres ever, as to why he doesn't protect his members, why he won't come back for a fight, or why he's running his gang into the ground bc of his own personal pride....Pick one, but he's ruining his gang, and doesn't care what he does to their personal carachters! Can we vote now for the worst gang pres ever!?
(2010.Nov.01 07:15 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]you know, or should well know by now, you hosp an SV, esp online, you've started something that you will have to surrender to finish.

i hosped hit a few nights ago and didn't surrender.
firstly, my gang wont quit. secondly me protect my members? atleast 6 ppl have better stats then i do in eadp. you give me way too much credit.
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