(2010.Oct.13 09:57 PM)TheHorse Wrote: [ -> ]You have 1,451 TenBot Credits available.
Thanks Zen...
lets see Pun in the hosp for 500 mins

the other option instead of selling the creds is to sell the service. that gang bonus for 250creds must be worth something. especially to bigger gangs like sv in a hosp war. i suggest you mail pun and ask him for a price.
I think these credit rewards are cool.
Too many haters here these days.
(2010.Oct.13 09:18 PM)Shaman Wrote: [ -> ]Would be really surprised if ever there was a time that everyone in AL would actually be happy with something Zen does. Sooks.
Touche.... you just can't please everyone

i think the only people who are bitchin about this are the ones with < 100 credits
do they expire if not used in a few weeks or more?
(2010.Oct.13 10:55 PM)freeksta3798 Wrote: [ -> ]do they expire if not used in a few weeks or more?
Nope. I'll move the link to it to the donator house after a few days of being on the home page though.
(2010.Oct.13 09:54 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]ty zen...can you add intel too....great stuff on the endu trade in
If there's endu there should be intel too imo.
Btw, great work on the different conversions, can't get why so much complaining...
(2010.Oct.13 10:27 PM)LikeWhoa Wrote: [ -> ]i think the only people who are bitchin about this are the ones with < 100 credits
not really. some neat prizes but none worth giving up 45k exp for a day. just like it for the change of pace
i like this. and bender are you putting those towards not being a borg anymore?