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(2010.Oct.13 09:31 PM)ditallica Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Oct.13 09:18 PM)Shaman Wrote: [ -> ]Would be really surprised if ever there was a time that everyone in AL would actually be happy with something Zen does. Sooks.

I smell a bitchh in the forums.

You pound UncleDave to a bloody pulp. When you are satisfied at the pool of blood laying at your feet, you slip off into the shadows.
Experience Earned : Hospitalizations do not earn experience.
Hospitalization Time : 78

Shit hosp time.
can't sell em, no worries there is the end option. good stuff to see new content. great work zenith. Smile
the other options are interesting too, i think its pretty good stuff...

what is the travel cost to level 60 district anyways? 10 credits probably isnt a bad exchange for that...
Why did the humanity conversion rate change?
(2010.Oct.13 09:38 PM)CrazyFoley Wrote: [ -> ]Why did the humanity conversion rate change?

It didn't change. It was a typo. The confirmation page had it correct though.
thanks zen, i'm satisfied with the results!
i increased my endurance to 793 pts!
thats roughly 1 million$
ty zen...can you add intel too....great stuff on the endu trade in

even a cash conversion for the poor Smile

Wink love contests where everyone has a chance of winning some small token or a nice parting gift
maybe incorporate something relating to skills in the future.
You have 1,451 TenBot Credits available.

Thanks Zen...Smile
(2010.Oct.13 09:57 PM)TheHorse Wrote: [ -> ]You have 1,451 TenBot Credits available.

Thanks Zen...Smile

way to make everyone else feel like shit
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