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(2010.Oct.13 09:06 PM)UncleDave Wrote: [ -> ]Copied from other forum out of boredom.

Man, has this game and the owner become boring and sad? Just saying. I would rather watch my nosehair grow than these lame contests and hype...almost. Nosehair on some days is truly more interesting and exciting than what the ZenSleepMaster has to offer as far as innovation and follow-up. 2 Cents wasted.

Whatever happened to catching more bees with honey than vinegar?
(2010.Oct.13 09:08 PM)ditallica Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Oct.13 09:06 PM)UncleDave Wrote: [ -> ]Copied from other forum out of boredom.

Man, has this game and the owner become boring and sad? Just saying. I would rather watch my nosehair grow than these lame contests and hype...almost. Nosehair on some days is truly more interesting and exciting than what the ZenSleepMaster has to offer as far as innovation and follow-up. 2 Cents wasted.

shut yo hore mouth

Really mate?

P.S. Grow a pair.


(2010.Oct.13 09:11 PM)UncleDave Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Oct.13 09:08 PM)ditallica Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Oct.13 09:06 PM)UncleDave Wrote: [ -> ]Copied from other forum out of boredom.

Man, has this game and the owner become boring and sad? Just saying. I would rather watch my nosehair grow than these lame contests and hype...almost. Nosehair on some days is truly more interesting and exciting than what the ZenSleepMaster has to offer as far as innovation and follow-up. 2 Cents wasted.

shut yo hore mouth

Really mate?

P.S. Grow a pair.

You should take his advice Dave.
Would be really surprised if ever there was a time that everyone in AL would actually be happy with something Zen does. Sooks.
(2010.Oct.13 08:59 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]I can add the endu on there. I thought I'd go with a different set of options though than the normal list.

Thanks babe. nice conversion rate. Where do we purchase more of these creds?
Yawn. Not worried. While I have enjoyed this game for a couple of years, it has grown stgnant with few changes or innovations. I have seen post after post questioning Zen and her commitment. I make one comment and I get a mate calling me out and not sure if that was a veiled threat, but come on peeps. Silence gets us nothing. We have ALL spent real $$ and many hundreds of hours and I see little progression in the game. Ban away for honestly and an opinion. Hospital because of whatever. I am speaking from the heart in a game I have spent more hours and real money than any online game I have ever played.


(2010.Oct.13 08:59 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]I can add the endu on there. I thought I'd go with a different set of options though than the normal list.

Thank you, that made my decision a lot easier on what to spend them on.
(2010.Oct.13 09:25 PM)BadLuck Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Oct.13 08:59 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]I can add the endu on there. I thought I'd go with a different set of options though than the normal list.

Thank you, that made my decision a lot easier on what to spend them on.

that is excellent conversion rate... i know where all my credits are going since i cant donate...
(2010.Oct.13 09:18 PM)Shaman Wrote: [ -> ]Would be really surprised if ever there was a time that everyone in AL would actually be happy with something Zen does. Sooks.

I smell a bitchh in the forums.
i kinda like it
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